Play by your Side 5/5

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As the sun gradually dipped below the horizon, casting hues of orange and yellow across the living room, the ambiance was filled with laughter and the delightful aroma of cooking.

Law, Luffy, and Zoro lounged on the couches, engaged in lively conversation, predominantly led by the spirited exchanges between Luffy and Zoro. Law adding thoughtful comments now and then. In the background, the rhythmic sounds of Sanji's culinary prowess echoed from the kitchen, promising a flavorful dinner for the friends gathered in the living room.

Luffy's exquisite velvet guitar gleamed in the warm glow of the setting sun, its surface reflecting the hues of the twilight. Positioned on Law's dedicated guitar stand, the instrument rested safely, shielded from potential scratches or harm on the floor. Law wasn't utilizing the guitar stand from the living room since he had an extra one in his room.

"So, what did you guys do today?" Zoro inquired, his hands positioned behind his head, serving as a makeshift support.

"Oh! We went to a cafe, and they had so many yummy desserts. Law paid for me since I didn't have enough money," Luffy shared, a smile lighting up his face as he recalled the bonding time with Law.

"He paid for you?" Zoro asked with a lifted brow and a smirk. Law's eyes narrowed slightly at Zoro, his expression guarded. He did not appreciate the way Zoro was looking at him and then at Luffy.

"Yeah," Luffy grinned, "and we got to know each other too, Torao plays the guitar just like me."

"Why don't you guys play something then?"

"Sure! Come on, Torao," Luffy said as he jumped off the couch and grabbed his guitar, smiling at Law who was staring at him with a small smile. Zoro caught the subtle change in Law's expression and chuckled to himself; he had never seen Law smile like that before.

Law gets up from the couch as well and heads to his room to grab his guitar. Entering the dimly lit room, he flips on the light switch, revealing two of his guitars. The royal blue guitar, a vibrant hue reflecting the care he'd put into it, and the glorious yellow guitar that was still strapped. The straps were white with black spots, and this one, in particular, was Law's most precious guitar-a gift from Corazon. He had taken exceptional care of it, never allowing anyone else to touch it.

He grabs his favorite guitar and grabs what he needs to set up and play with the shorter boy.

"So, what song should we play?"

"Welcome and goodbye!" Luffy shouted, his large doe eyes locking onto Law's golden gaze. Once again, he exposed his gleaming white teeth in a radiant smile. Positioned near the balcony door, the setting sun cast hues of orange and yellow not just on the living room but also on the beaming boy. The sun's rays reflected on him, creating an almost ethereal glow. Holding the beautiful velvet guitar, he stood poised, ready for his fingers to strum its strings. The instrument seemed eager to be played, its melody anticipated to fill the entire room with musical enchantment.

Law could feel his face heating up as he caught himself staring for too long. He nods his head, he knows the song Luffy was talking about, "Welcome and Goodbye" by Dream, Ivory is a mesmerizing song that weaves a tapestry of soothing notes, gently embracing the listener in its tranquil melody.

Luffy began playing his guitar, the enchanting melody gracefully filling the room. His body swayed from side to side, dancing to the rhythm of the music that came alive under the touch of his skilled fingers on the strings. The resonance of the guitar echoed through the living room, creating an atmosphere of warmth and serenity.

Law listens attentively to the melody, preparing to synchronize with the music. He joins in seamlessly, a smile playing on his lips as he relishes the harmonious tune emanating from his beloved soft yellow guitar. His body sways subtly, attuned to the enchanting melody. Turning to gaze at Luffy, he finds the boy already looking at him, and a gentle warmth spreads through him. At that moment, Law took the time to appreciate Luffy's gorgeous playing and his beautiful appearance.

Luffy's hair transformed into hues of orange and yellow, while his once dark brown eyes took on a lighter shade. The red sleeve shirt evolved into a vibrant vermillion and his captivating smile. Law found himself mesmerized by the transformation-the boy's radiant smile held an enchanting power. He realized that he could gaze at Luffy's smile endlessly, finding solace, joy, and a bright light even on his darkest days. Luffy's smile possessed the magic to turn the worst moments into something better.

"Through it all, once again, came to know my only friend. Lost control," Luffy sang, his usually exuberant voice transformed into a soothing and peaceful melody.

Law was captivated once again by Luffy's beautiful voice. As he watched the boy play, he chuckled and shook his head in disbelief, wondering how someone he had just met could make him feel this way. Why did Luffy evoke such softness in him? He found himself reflecting on his own actions-spending money on Luffy at the cafe, engaging in a conversation, and now, playing music together. These weren't things Law typically did for anyone, not even his closest friends. The question lingered in his mind: What was it about Luffy that had such a profound effect on him? Law couldn't help but wonder, did Luffy cast a spell on him? Perhaps slip something into his drink? Hypnotize him with his beautiful playing? Or was it just the boy's infectious smile that worked its magic on him?

Whatever the case was, it worked and Law felt like such a fool falling for it, but he wasn't mad. He was happy if anything.

"You should sing along, surgeon," Zoro teased, interrupting Law's thoughts. He shot a glare at the green-haired man, clearly annoyed by the interruption. Ignoring his teasing, Law refocused on playing the guitar, letting the music continue to fill the room.

"Yeah, Torao, sing along with me!" Luffy urged, still swaying to the rhythm. "For how it seemed, I should've stayed and let you be..." He continued singing, his fingers dancing on the guitar strings.

How could Law refuse? Luffy looked adorable, his soft round eyes and his alluring voice.

Law was not the best singer-nor a good one as he thinks, but he sang anyway, just for Luffy.

"Run into my heart so carelessly. That's the reason why I'm afraid. You're thoughts that can't be tamed."

Luffy stared at Law in awe, not expecting the taller man to actually sing along. Law's voice sounded rich and deep, charming in its own way. The man's voice gave him goosebumps, a nice feeling that made Luffy warm, with his cheeks burning and his heart beating fast.

He walked to where Law was staring, still playing, and stood next to the taller man, enjoying his presence. It seemed like Law did too when he let out a soft chuckle, their shoulders subtly touching as they continued to play the song together. The music created a bond, a silent understanding between them.

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