Midnight Craves

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If you were to become friends with Luffy and have lunch with him, oh boy you'll be surprised at how much food he can eat. His stomach is like a void, endless and insatiable. Some find it amusing, some find it disgusting, and some find it concerning. But at least the food didn't go to waste.

When Law first took Luffy out on a date, it was to a nice restaurant. He was absolutely fucking mortified at how much Luffy was able to eat in one sitting. Plates kept coming and going, piling up as Luffy devoured everything in sight. You better best believe Law's wallet was aching, especially after paying the cost of Luffy's seemingly endless appetite.

He wonders where all that food goes because, for someone who can eat for a table of 4, Luffy is super skinny and fit. Fast metabolism, Law guesses.

At first, Law was concerned about Luffy's eating habits, but then Luffy's friend reassured him, saying that the younger boy had always been that way. There's nothing wrong with his digestive system or any of that. Luffy was a healthy person with an extraordinary appetite.

Now, Law finds it amusing how much Luffy can eat and finds it adorable how the boy's cheeks puff up with food, making them look chubby. He always has smudges of food on his face, which Law loves wiping off with his thumb, gently caressing Luffy's lips and face in the process. This whole scene has become endearing to Law, adding to the trance he sees in Luffy.

It was 3 a.m. and Luffy was wide awake to his surprise. Normally, he would be asleep by this hour, but tonight was different. He tossed and turned in bed, his stomach growling, demanding attention. He couldn't ignore the gnawing hunger any longer. He was hungry and craving some ice cream and onigiri, a weird combination but that's what he was craving at this time.

Luffy turned to his side to face his boyfriend, who was sleeping peacefully and deeply. Luffy noticed that Law was in a deep sleep, as his usual excessive movements didn't rouse his slumbering man. Observing Law's dark circles and gentle breathing, Luffy was hesitant to awaken him, knowing he hadn't been getting much sleep due to his job at the hospital.

This sucks! Luffy thought to himself as he pouted, he didn't want to wake Law up just because his fatass can't wait till morning to eat. He wanted Law to sleep and get the rest he desperately needed.

He would go alone to the convenience that's a few blocks away, but it was dark outside. The thought of walking alone in the darkness scares the shit out of Luffy as he knew there could be many dangers lurking.

But damn he was hungry.

Luffy slowly got up, letting the blanket fall from his chest to his lap, allowing the cold air to surround his warm body. He shivered at the sudden chill as he began to rub his hands against his arms to keep him warm. He stares at Law again and pouts. I shouldn't Luffy thought. But a loud growling noise from his stomach startled him, causing him to jump in surprise.

The noise and the erupted movement caused the man next to him to groan and stir him awake. Law blinked groggily, trying to focus on Luffy through half-closed eyes. "Baby, what happened?" he mumbled, his voice heavy with sleep.

"I'm sorry Torao–I didn't mean to wake you up." Luffy apologized quickly as he leaned down to hug his boyfriend.

"It's okay Lu. Why are you up?" Law asked as he felt warm arms wrap around his neck. He was pulled closer to Luffy's chest.

Luffy hesitated to answer, not wanting to bother his boyfriend with his empty stomach and cravings. He would feel terrible and fucking guilty for waking up Law over something so unimportant. "It's nothing, really," he muttered, looking the other way to avoid eye contact and pressing his lips together.

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