💙Overworking 💜 (SMG34)

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(First time doing a sick fic lol. Also, I'm finally back. I'm gonna still accept requests, but I won't be doing all of them anymore. Sorry if I'm no longer gonna complete your one.

This was almost done by the time I wrote my update, so I thought I'd finish it and publish it.

Requested by AK47 on AO3)

SMG4 had been working for a little while, just finishing another silly video of Mario doing something dumb again, he hadn't really stopped to take a break for a while, despite promising his friends that he would try and have a decent sleep tonight.

As he finished the last part of it. He looked back at it, it wasn't a perfect video by any means, but he's definitely not gonna go through THAT again.

The video wasn't even supposed to be released until later, so if there were any glaring errors he could fix them later. Right now he was just hella tired and 11:30PM was early enough. He ignored the slight ache he felt as he got ready for bed. He closed his eyes and tried to get to sleep.

He woke up a few minutes later with a cough, groaning, he got out of bed and went to grab a glass of water, maybe he was just thirsty.

Walking over to the kitchen, he felt even worse, like it hurt to even move, he just blamed it on working for so long, thinking nothing of it. Surprisingly enough, the water didn't do a thing as he had a coughing fit. He couldn't be asked to call any of his friends right now, besides, it was almost midnight, why would any of them be awake this late? He just decided that he'd try to get back to sleep and hope it gets better in the morning.

Spoiler alert: it did not get better in the morning.

He could barely even get out of bed today, feeling too horrid to even move, and he had started to feel nauseous during the night.

Mario came into his room for his daily 'annoy SMG4' session and paused when he saw his best friend looking like crap.

"SMG4? What's up?"

The meme man could barely sit up to even look at Mario. "Leave me alone, Mario... whatever you want, not today."

After making a face, Mario trudged out of the room. But he wasn't gonna let his best friend suffer in silence. He considered to ask Meggy first, but then he remembered that she'd probably end up killing SMG4 with her soups or something. As he walked out of the castle, he turned around and saw SMG3's Coffee and Bombs, and he was sure that SMG4's boyfriend would help him.

Slamming open the door to the coffee shop, SMG3 turned around and groaned. "Mario, the shops closed today, get out!"

"But SMG3, 4's dying!!"


Mario blinked and then made a coughing action.

"Oh, he's just sick. Why the hell should I care?"

"Because you're gay for him!"

"E-excuse me?! No I'm not!!" SMG3 crossed his arms, he was gonna ignore whatever Mario said next.

Mario looked around, noticing Eggdog, he pointed to him. "Eggdog wants to help! Would you say no to him?"

The purple meme guardian glanced over at his son, who just barked in response, he sighed. "Okay, fine, but it's not because I care about that idiot!" He walked over to the castle, Eggdog following behind. Meanwhile, Mario looked around the now empty coffee shop, looking for any hidden spaghetti.

As SMG3 entered 4's room, he was greeted by a very pale looking man who looked like he was about to pass out.

"Damn, didn't think it was that bad."

The other man groggily lifted his head to look towards the sound, he didn't bother to move any more than that. "Go away, 3..."

"Usually, I'd be glad to, but I ain't leaving you like this. Unless you want to stay there all day, no food, no water-"

"Okay, okay, I get it, bro..." He coughed, laying his head back down.

3 turned towards Eggdog. "You make sure he doesn't throw up and I'll go get some stuff, okay?" The small dog barked in acknowledgment and his dad gave him a little head scratch before he went towards the kitchen.

Once he got back, he blacked a glass of water next to 4's bed as well as a couple of pills. After 4 took them and had a small sip of the water, he got into a more comfortable position.

"This is why you don't overwork yourself, dude, thought you would've learnt that by now."

"I'm not-" 4 didn't have the strength to argue back right now, so he just gave up.

"Now, get some sleep, you look like you're dead."

"I feel dead." The blue man rolls his eyes and glances at SMG3. "Thanks..."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever, Eggdog wanted to see if you were okay, I wasn't worried at all."

4 laughed softly, he didn't believe that for a second, but he knew SMG3 would never actually say he was worried about him. "Okay, whatever you say..."

3 waited until SMG4 was fast asleep before he left. He did turn around to look at his friend one last time and smiled fondly. Eggdog licked the blue meme guardians face before leaving with his father.

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