~Chapter one~

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(Harsh language)

Kenma never had an easy childhood, he was always bullied for being 'wierd' or 'ugly' which he never understood because he always thaught he and everyone else aroumd him was beautiful on in their own way, oh what a naive child he was. He has learned to never 'just think', there were always 'thinkers' and 'dreamers'[haha the owl house reference, oop] but only the ones who really worked towards their goals would achive them. His parents were the kind of people to just did what they thought was right and not think about the consequences their actions would bring towards other people, or even themselves.

That was why his father left his mother, she was always hot headed and had a short temper. She would get physical really fast and if you did something not the way she wanted it to be, she would always harrass or talk you down about it.

His father was an easy and nice man, but because of his features, he would always get tricked or manipulated. He had divorced his mother when Kenma was nine. He said it was to go to america and earn more money for them, but Kenma knew he was just running after another woman who was after his money. Kenma's father always kept his promise though, he would send them money to pay rent, buy grocories, clothes and every other necessarity you would need to live.

Sadly, his mother used their only money to buy herself drugs and other substances to get high. Why she would need to get high? To abuse Kenma for being a 'dissapointment' and 'the reason your father left us'. In sober condition she would be even worse, her punches would be more precise and she would actually make understandable sentences and scream them at Kenma on the top of her lungs.

It was always a tabu to speak about his dad, in any shape or form. Wether it be just asking if they had any money left, which his dad sent, or just talking about the past. So Kenma chose the alternative: not talk at all. He wasn't mute, he just did not see the need to speak except when directly spoken to. His mother would use this to her liking, wether it was just to ask him useless questions about his day or provoce him into talking about something he is not comfortable about.

Due to his mother's outbursts and physical nature, he develpoped a strange physical constitution. This constitution made him hyper aware of any kind of physical contact he had with other people[Thanks @onihime205 for this idea! Book:Only You -A NaruSasu Love Story- ,go check it out, great story!]. This meant, he would get very jumpy and anxios, and very uncomfortable. He would cope with it by playing his phone or portable PlayStation[I actually googled this OwO] in school. He would only use them there, since he didn't really go outside because his mother never allowed it, except it was of course, if she was too high to go to the grocery store to buy them food.

Kenma never liked his mother, of course, the treatment he was getting from her was unacceptable, so he didn't even consrider her his mother, just the person who braught him into this sad and useless thing called life.
Kenma POV:

I was in my room, all alone, as always. It was dark and cold, and only lit up by the screen of my gaming console. It always braught me peace and helped me relax. I also really enjoyed drawing and animating but my console was my main attraction, my entertainment, my most precious thing, litterally I owned nothing more expensive than that and it ment the world to me.

I continued playing until I heard the front door unlock.

Was it already that late?

My mothet was just really early.

Oh, she was really early today, normally she would be home earliest by 4:00am.

This is going to be a fun night.
At least for her, I thought as I switched off my game and tiptoed to my door to peak through the key hole.

She was heading straight to my room.
Im fucked.



Hello hello!
This is anoter fic of mine!
Well i hope this ones better, bc i actually have a plan on how ill write this n shit:

How are you?
Its currently 10:52 pm, 29.01.24

Words:720+(I think :O)

So yeahhh

Ill update tomorrow, or in a week, who knows?
Well not me, definetley!

I think ill actually post smth tomorrow, but an a/n so oui oui

Dont foret to dring water!
See yall next time, my beautiful hoomans!

Mwah mwah

Ohh and before I forget: the idea with the constetution is not mine, jsut the usage, plot etc.

Not the characters,etc.


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