Goodbye, The Moon Supreme, Dongfang Qingcang

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The last time I wanted to update The Moon Supreme, my house was flooded, so I had to work on that, but it made me reflect... Why did I keep writing fanfiction of Love Between Fairy and Devil when I have grown and want to use my skills to write legit novels instead?

I kept feeling dragged down, and some of you might have noticed that I couldn't keep doing this. I didn't like how I portrayed the 2nd male lead. When I made him initially, I wanted to make him unlikable deliberately, but in the second half, I regretted it because I wished I could do something with him early on... but it can't be with The Moon Supreme because the demographic is Dongfang Qingcang fans, and rightfully so. I thought I could do that with him as a fairy, but deep down, I know this can't be achieved in The Moon Supreme.

And I didn't like how I portrayed Jianmin as an empty shell in the first half of the story. I wanted her to be a cunning villain instead after I got to know her. I regretted a lot of things that I can't do here anymore. I also didn't like that the magician had such a small role after halfway through the story...

I realized that The Moon Supreme hindered my creativity. I couldn't do whatever I wanted with it, and it's understandable because it's fanfiction...


With pain and relief in my heart, I'm saying goodbye to the Moon Supreme series.

Ending it here will bring me peace, and I can finally have the freedom to do what I want with my novel. So, I will only focus on "Demon King's Love". If you really love the way I write and are open to my creativity, I will continue writing there, and you can follow my story there.

Please respect this hard decision of mine. The Moon Supreme is my baby, and I will keep it here open for everyone, but I will focus on Demon King's Love for future updates. I'm currently rewriting that, too.

I love you all for supporting The Moon Supreme for over a year. I will never forget all the love I got from you.

Yours truly,

Aurora Luxi


DEMON KING'S LOVE: Chapters 1 & 2

Note: This is NOT a replacement for "The Moon Supreme" and it is very different from it, but this is the story I wished TMS could have been but never could.

Meilin, a rising Esports player, is torn between two worlds: an unusual visitor—a deadly demon king who falls in love with her, and her charming teammate Ningshun, a man with a profound mystery.

Matian Meilin is an 18-year-old girl with a passion for gaming and a very well-known figure in the Esports community. One day, her life takes a turn when a handsome tyrant, Feng Deming, the ruler of the Astaran realm, enters her world. Initially assuming him to be another Prince Charming, Meilin quickly realizes that Deming is anything but charming and the last person she wants to be acquainted with. "Silly Little Human, as much as I despise it, I'm stuck with you," Deming sneers. Meilin fires back, "Stuck with me? I'M stuck with you!"

As they face various obstacles, Deming finds himself drawn to Meilin, ultimately falling deeply in love with her, despite being aware of the potential separation that comes with the mission of fulfilling his destiny to overthrow the 'gods' and conquer all realms upon his return.

However, Meilin's heart already belongs to another man with an equally intriguing background. Ningshun, the attractive leader of her Esports team, has a charming personality and flirty humor that easily sway her, making her yearn for something more between them. But he's a man of many mysteries, and his hidden side carries a risky secret.

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