Devil Vs Fey

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AN: Arthor notes









Diffident meaning

Adrian POV

I, was somewhere, I don't fully know where I am, I just know, part of me, all I see is me on a stage, where I am in the suit which I were when I was young, but I saw three other areas, a manor room, a bell tower, with a tower that leads into heaven, and a cave with sand surrounded by water.

"I Still say that he shouldn't be included, he is better being simple and closed off." A voice said angrily.

"Az, you mustn't think like that, him being here is just the only reason we are here in the first place, come on Rain, help." A second voice asking with ambition. 

"Devon... I know... I know you wish to include him, but still... we must let him be." The voice I suspected was Rain, it was tranquil.

"Rain, Az, one thing is, the stage." Stage. "It apparently is here which means he is supposed to be here. And Az-"

"Not this again, I do to make sure we don't lose and everything, and I don't regret my action, they all deserved it. Plus, someone has two. And Rain, Devon his memories leaked, you have reviled yourself to him." It faded as Az reprimanded them.

I awoke to a strange room, a sort of hospital. I was still feeling weak, but the Saber must have charged from the amount of magical. Weird dream. But now we need to take things into account, the demon is still on the list to deal with. I saw the mayor.

"Welcome back. I must thank you for all you have done, even if my brother is still mad." She spoke. "I suspect you will be wanting your payment, but we are still having economic struggles-"

"Don't worry much on the jewels, I mainly want the book."

"No... we couldn't, we can give you the book, and most of the Jewels, but we need something to cover the rest, but also, Gildroy is hosting a party in your honor. It will be tonight."

She left, as long as I get my book, I will be good, but something is still on my mind. Beside the dream, it was also the demon, now a party is being thrown in my honor, by the man which has a grudge against me, so that means one of three things, I'm placing my bet on the one I have a feeling is going to be right, but first I need to get the ghost of prospectors past.

I began to get up, I couldn't help but try and remember my dream, Devon... father used to call me that, Rain... he has shown himself to me when..., and Az, who are you, why are you so angry, it matters not, I need to go into town to gather a few items for what I am planning on doing to end this demon, just need to figure out, how they were defeated before. I began to walk outside of town near the mineshaft I was just fighting.

Now if I remembered correctly, I met the spirt of the town founder Theodore Edwards Albatross. He was still lingering because of one thing, the demon that he had fought, now from the history book that I read at the library is that he was an old wizard saint. But died mysterious, but the history books never said anything about a demon, Gravlos, whoever he is, but he was able to beat a wizard saint so I shouldn't be dumb about this, now if I remember reading on books of spirit communication, I need to be specific on the spirt I am summoning to talk to, name, and anything where it was important, and the fact that is spirit summoned itself at these mines mean it has to be important.

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