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Police Station, 7:00 pm.

"So, I'll say this once again for you assholes who didn't hear me the 5 times I said it."

"I did not kill ANY of those people."

You've been in the police station chained up for twelve hours already. Five detectives came in and grilled you before sending the next one in. You were tired, you had to pee and your wrists were starting to feel sore. They had put quirk dampeners on your wrist, just assuming you had one.

So outdated, you thought to yourself.

Just as you were about to complain more, another detective walked in.

He was tall and he wore a stereotypical detective trench coat, the beige kind.

"Hello, Y/n L/n. You've gotten yourself in quite some trouble." You started dissociating at this point. You were upset, and rightfully so. Waking up with no memory in-front of the police station with Endeavor, All Might, and the rest of the pro heroes looking like they wanted to murder you definitely would fuck with you a bit. Not to mention the police officers with their guns pointed at you.

You just wanted your dad.

"....so do you have anything you want to say for yourself?" What were you supposed to say? Anything could be used against you, even if it was to defend yourself.

"Look. I know how it looks, but I promise you, I didn't do it. Also, I'm quirkless." The man shifted in his seat, you assumed it was a signal to continue. "The girl in the video, who looks just like me, is using some sort of quirk, which I don't possess." Your eyes quickly shifted to behind the detective. You swore you heard a gasp behind the 'mirror.'

The detective said a few 'interestings' and 'hmms' before quickly walking out.

You just wanted to be home. Reminiscing about how good life was with your dad. It was you guys against the world. Only, we didn't realize how much the world was against us.

The detective quickly walks back in, scurrying back in his seat. He seemed like the awkward type, almost as if he wasn't naturally a hardass.

"Apologies for not giving you my name. You can call me Detective Tsukauchi." You nodded.

"My quirk is Deductive Intellect."

"So you're basically a human lie detector?" You asked. No lie, if you weren't in the situation you were in, you would be fangirling heavy. But again, time and place.

"Well I haven't heard anyone put it like that, but yes." Is that all he came here to say? Being in this room was exhausting. You were on the cusp of dehydration, and they were concerned about all the crimes you didn't even commit. Utterly ridiculous.

There was no point in beating around the bush. You needed to hear the truth. You also needed to uncover YOUR truth. But one step at a time.

"Am I going to jail?" Even if you didn't want to admit it, you were scared shitless. JAIL? Actually no. PRISON, if you get convicted.

"Unfortunately we need to keep you in holding for the next 24 hours to monitor your behavior. I apologize." You've got to be fucking kidding me.


Tartarus, 6:50 pm.

You assumed they would send you to jail. But alas, here you were in Tartarus, bored and annoyed.

Just laying down in the white room, trying to rack your brain of what happened before you woke up on that bench.

You can barely touch the filth they refer to as food. Not having much of an appetite.

They were nice enough to have a toilet, with no privacy, a sink, and a tiny mirror.

From what you could see, your face had matured. Very little though. Your jawline is more defined, and your eye bags were more prominent.

You also peeped a scar running from the back of your ear down the base of your neck.

What the hell? There's no way you haven't noticed this.

"INMATE 92828. YOU HAVE VISITORS." The bewildered look on your face spoke louder than words.

"Dad?" He was the only face you wanted to see. You wanted him to explain how this was all a big misunderstanding, and that I didn't do anything.

But nothing could've prepared you for the group that walked in. A mummy, a ....rat?, Detective Tsukauchi and ...All Might? What is he doing here?

The rat(?) was the first to step forward. "Hello, Ms. Y/n. I am Principal Nezu, headmaster of UA High."

The prestigious hero school that was full of nepo babies with 'flashy' quirks and wannabe heroes. There were so many things to unpack.

"I would introduce myself but I'm already pretty notorious." You say, earning a small chuckle from the mummy.

"This is Eraserhead, and as you know I'm sure, All Might." Glancing at the blonde hero, you could tell he was not trying to make eye contact with you. He was scared. But of what?

The rat, actually you decided to say mouse, to attempt to be respectful.

The mouse continued his speech. "Ms. Y/n. As I'm sure you know, Detective Tsukauchi has a quirk that can detect whether someone is lying to him or not. And interestingly enough, his quirk wasn't working."

This can't be right. It can't. You were starting to panic. Getting arrested for something you didn't even do?

"However, I have a proposition for you."

Anything was better than being locked up in that horrible cell. You walked closer to the window, well, as far as the chains allowed you to go. Nezu continued.

"While your case is being investigated, how would you like to attend UA? You would be on 24-hour surveillance and will live with Eraserhead. How does that sound?"

You had to think about it. Surrounded by pretentious pricks who could not give less of a fuck about the people they saved, but only about the fame they get. It was something you hated more than ever.

"What if I decline this offer?" You were just suggesting a hypothetical. The offer was going to get taken up, but you didn't want to seem too desperate. But you were.

This time the mummy, oops, Eraserhead, spoke up. "If you fail to cooperate with us, they have no choice but to proceed with your sentencing. There have been whispers of the death penalty."

Your blood ran cold. Damned if you do, and damned if you don't. Going to UA was the lesser of two evils.

"I'll go to UA. But since when was UA open to accepting people without quirks? Things have changed."


𝐑𝐮𝐦𝐨𝐫 𝐇𝐚𝐬 𝐈𝐭 - BNHA x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now