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Tartarus, 7:30 pm.

"Quirkless?" All Might says skeptically. They expected you to go to a hero school, without a quirk? Are they stupid?

"Look at my file. I'm telling the truth. I don't know who was pretending to be me but I swear to you I don't have a quirk." How did they not know this?

"We will discuss all the formalities when you get out of here! Very excited you decided to join us Ms.Y/n!"

You weren't excited about going to UA, but you were damn sure excited about finally getting out of there.


Eraserheads Apartment, 8:30 pm.

The ride to Eraserhead's apartment was quiet. After you left Tartarus, you immediately knocked out in the car. It was the first time that you've gotten any sleep since you woke up on the bench.

He was kind enough to not ask any questions, and you were thankful. You weren't even sure you could answer them.

"L/n, wake up, we're here." Groggily opening your eyes, you stretch and start to exit the car. As he's unlocking his apartment, you get a chance to look at the neighborhood.

It was a nice neighborhood. Similar to the one you grew up in.

"Are you gonna walk inside or just stand there?" Aizawa said. You were so lost in thought you didn't even realize he was inside.


His house was not bad. It was beautiful. The kitchen was right next to the entrance, with plants hanging from the walls. He lived in a loft, so his bedroom was upstairs while yours was the guest bedroom downstairs. You assumed.

"The bathroom is right there and my room is up there." He says as he points.

"You'll be sleeping in the guest bedroom until we can find a more...permanent arrangement." He made it sound like you were going to jail.

What a dickhead.

You ushered yourself into the guest bedroom, just taking it all in. It was pretty plain. The walls were a faded green and the sheets were black. How fitting.

There were pajamas laid out on the bed. Green plaid pajama pants and a Superman shirt. There was no way in hell this brooding emo got you that. But alas, you put it on anyway.

"We'll go over what your backstory is tomorrow." You didn't even think about that. You just assumed that all the students, everyone knew about your 'heinous' crimes.

"Don't people know who I am already? I thought that with all these rumors around I was pretty famous." Eraser's posture stiffened for a second, then returned to his normal state. That was weird. But you decided not to say anything.

"The Hero Commission decided to keep this case under wraps. Couldn't risk scaring the public." So clearly whatever you did was serious. I mean aside from killing a few people, you couldn't think of what else you did that was just so bad.

The conversation drifted into an uncomfortable silence before he spoke up again.

"Oh, and don't bother trying to leave. That bracelet that you have acted as a location device, so we know where you are at all times." You didn't even notice it. I mean how could you? Your mind was preoccupied with other things, trying to unravel the mystery that was your amnesia.

You simply nodded. Although you had a question that was begging to be answered.

"Do you think I did it?" It was a simple question that deserved a simple answer. You didn't do it.

"It's not about what I think. I'm not the judge, jury, or executioner. However, I don't think that stories like these are simply black and white."

And with that, you muttered a goodnight and walked into your room. Shutting the door behind you, you quickly get under the covers and tried to fall asleep.

The key word is 'tried.'

But no matter how hard you shut your eyes, you couldn't fall asleep.

You missed your dad. How he would tell you that you were special even though you didn't have a quirk. How you guys would stay up and count down until your birthday, and then at midnight would cut the cake and blow out the candles. Oh, how you missed that.

No one even asked about your father. All those interrogations and not one person asked if you had any family left. How selfish.

You tried to rack your brain of what went down before you woke up.

Twas the night before your birthday, you and your dad piled together in the living room.

"Make a wish! But make sure not to say it out loud, it's bad luck!" Your father said, right before you blew out the candles.

You wished for a quirk. It was stupid and far-fetched, you knew that. But the idea of being strong, and not considered weak anymore was too ideal.

After blowing out the candles, everything went black.

Deciding on uncovering your truth tomorrow, you quickly dozed off into sleep.



You quickly jolt up, scared out of your mind. Quickly looking at the window, you realize it's only a storm.

Just a storm.

Getting out of bed, you stretched and checked the time.

4:00 am. Jesus.

You should've gone back to bed, but you couldn't shake the feeling of something not feeling right. So instead of getting back under the sheets, you walk to the bathroom.

Glancing at yourself in the mirror, you're now aware of the figure standing behind you.

"Who the fuck are you?" You say, trying to get a good look at the individual standing before you.

"I'm the person who can help you reclaim innocence." Fuck was that supposed to mean?

"Yeah, and I'm gonna talk to some imaginary person who snuck up on me in the asscrack of dawn. Right." You were still very skeptical of this individual. How could you not be?

The figure walked closer to you, and you could feel their breath on your neck.

"Believe me or not, it's up to you. But don't say that I didn't ask nicely."

The figure immediately whipped out a knife and stabbed you in the stomach. You were bleeding out, groaning in pain.

"I'll be back when you decide to not be a pain in the ass."


𝐑𝐮𝐦𝐨𝐫 𝐇𝐚𝐬 𝐈𝐭 - BNHA x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now