A gift for my friend:)

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( Things have been kinda rough lately, stuff I don't really want to get into, but i'm trying to get back into writing at my own pace. )

Ganmber, book store AU

The old familiar smell of books wafted through the air, calming Ganyu's nerves as she started preparing things per usual. No new orders had come in recently, so that took some work off her shoulders.

Customers never came in this early, so when the familiar 'ring' signaling someone had opened the door startled her. But she quickly attempted to calm her nerves, she rushed over to the front of the cash register, a strange sight awaiting her.

Dragging in what seemed to be a friend, was a regular, Lisa. It took her a second but then it hit, the girl with Lisa was Amber, Ganyu has recalled Lisa complaining that this particular individual needed to pick up a book every now and then. 

Lisa pulled Amber over to the desk, Amber flapping her arms in protestation, trying to escape. This was not worth the $9 an hour Ganyu made, but she let out a soft sigh and tried her best to put on a work-friendly smile. 

' Amber this is for the best.' Lisa sighed out, this wasn't the weirdest thing Ganyu had seen on the job but it made her question if she should start seeking out other places for employment. 'Hello there, can I help you?' That caught Amber's attention, taking a quick glance at Ganyu before fixing her posture.

Lisa cleared her throat, a small smile forming on her face, 'My friend Amber,' she said motioning to the brunette, 'needs to expand her vocabulary.' Lisa side eyed Amber, but it was more in a joking way rather then judgmental.

Amber nervously nodded, not wanting to make herself a fool in front of the cashier. ' Is there any specific things you like?'  Ganyu asked as she stepped out from behind the desk. 

Amber paused, thinking it out, 'I like bunnies, archery, I like hand making things, I made a bunny plush by hand!' She enthusiastically said before being shushed by Lisa. 'We're in a library.' She warned.

Amber rushed a quick apology, as Ganyu led Amber and Lisa to a shelf. 'These are filled with tips to improve sewing skills, but they also have details for other hobbies similar to sewing to widen your skillset.' She spoke as she pulled 2 books from the shelf, handing them to Amber. 

For the split second their fingers touched Ganyu could have sworn she felt like she was in heaven. But she had to be professional.

She then turned around and led them to another section, grabbing a smaller book. 'This is a book about different facts about bunnies.' She ran her fingers along the pages to show how few pages were in it. 'This one isn't too long, so if you're just getting into reading this should be an easy start.'

Amber took the book gently, this time their fingers didn't meet, which somewhat disappointed Ganyu but an idea popped into her head, how to guarantee another visit from Amber. 'We don't have archery books but I can place an order, most likely they'll be here next week. Is that okay?'

To which Amber nodded, Ganyu felt a wave of happiness crash into her but she had to remain professional. At the cash register, Ganyu bagged the books up and hummed slightly to the song playing from the speakers as she handed the bag over to Amber.

Lisa seemed pleased by this but a message on her phone stole her attention, she made a quick excuse and left, leaving Ganyu and Amber alone. This was awkward, Ganyu thought to herself.

'Would you like to be friends?' The voice stole back Ganyu's attention, she looked over at Amber who had asked the question. 'Friends?' Ganyu questioned, Amber quickly nodded with a huge grin that melted Ganyu's heart.

'If I'm getting into reading you could help! And you seem cool!' She pulled a piece of paper from the red backpack that had been thrown over her shoulders, she wrote something quickly on the paper and slid it over the counter to Ganyu. On it was Amber's number, cool, that word rang through her head.

That was a word she never thought would be used for her, but she took the note and folded it gently and slid it into her pocket, she nodded and returned Amber's huge grin with a smaller smile, her face beat pink. After the exchange Amber made her way to the door, opening it with one hand she turned back to face Ganyu.

She smiled once more and waved to Ganyu, waving her hand high in the air before turning back and closing the door, the bell ringing through the air as the closed. 'Friend?' Ganyu repeated to herself, silently despite the store only being occupied by her now.  

Please don't be afraid to request things! If it interests me I'll try my best, if you have a ship but don't have an idea I can help! Please request things

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