XXI: Fallen Angel

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Detective Allard chewed on her pencil as she shifted her foot nervously in her office chair. She honestly considered the idea of going to Soufreville to search all those bodies and maybe have her boss jailed, but thinking about it more coldly, it's crazy. Is it really necessary to risk so much for so little? In the midst of that thought, Quickley rushed into the police station to tell his partner some incredible news: "The kid's alive!"

To put you in the situation, first place yourself in the present. Leonard Quickley came running through the door on October 24, 1966 at 4:42 pm. At that precise moment, Charlotte and Danny were sleeping in the police truck while Steven was driving. Ten minutes before that, Quickley was walking through the park to get to the police station, when suddenly, a peculiar little girl approached him to ask him something.

"Are you a policeman?" asked Annie, Danny's blonde girl friend.

"That's right, what's the matter?" Quickley answered.

"Look, I think I know the girl in the picture," she said as she showed him one of the wanted posters around town with a talking picture of Charlotte on it. "It says here her name is Charlie, but she told me her name was Sarah."

"She told you?" he asked in surprise.

"Yes. I assumed it was a typo. I met her not long ago right here. She asked me where she could stay because she had no parents and I told her there was an orphanage nearby. The next day, my parents took her there."

"Kid, this is very important." He bent down and made eye contact with Annie. "Are you absolutely sure?"

"Yes," she replied. "She had the same hairstyle."

"Where is she now?" He asked as his heart rate slowly accelerated.

"I told you, at the orphanage here."

Leonard, without even time to think, rushed to the police station.

"The boy is alive!"

"I'm sorry, what?"

"The Gaspel's son who had cancer. He ran away and now we know he's in an orphanage."

"He can tell us what happened to his parents!" She said emphatically.

"We might even know more about Ledger!" he said even more excited.

Sudden cut. The two are knocking on the orphanage door. Quickley notices a rope and black socks on the floor. "They probably don't clean the outside much," they thought. One of the teachers opens the door and the detectives introduce themselves, asking to be let in to ask the principal some questions.

Black socks kept appearing on the floor, some on the ceiling. Finally they arrived at the principal's office, where they became very serious and began the interrogation.

"Good afternoon, officers," said the principal. "To what do I owe the honor?"

"Yes, we need you to confirm something," said Allard as she placed Charlotte's portrait on the table. Has a student with these physical characteristics been enrolled at this institution? She answers to the name Sarah or Charlie."

"Now that you mention it," said the principal, "just yesterday she came to my office with another girl. They had a fight about something, but they've worked it out. You see, senseless arguments are not tolerated in this institution."

"Can you tell us where she is now?" Quickley asked.

"All right, let me check it out.".

The director looked in the files and told them that Sarah was installed in dormitory 19, on the second floor. The two thanked him and headed for that location. They entered in search of clues that might evidence Charlie's presence, but found only a notebook lying on the floor. Although the evidence was little, it was a perfect object to investigate, so they began to read it. Without a doubt, it was an impeccable writing, worthy of an infant capable of escaping from a hospital without help.

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