Chapter Twelve

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Danny wheeled himself while I walked besides him, Danny was going to help me face one more past demon that hurt me more than anything. My parents. I haven't seen them in so long and I wanted answers from them, why they hid everything from me. But once we were standing in front of the door, knocking, there was no answer.. The house was empty. "Now you don't have to face them."

"I figured they would leave." I couldn't believe that I would never see the people that raised me. Maybe they would have had a reasonable explanation for everything, everything they made me go through.

"Follow me." Danny said. I didn't question him as he led the way to wherever he was going. We stood where meetings were held at wanting to request to move somewhere else. Any request basically.

I watched as they look defeated, my mom looked broken and my dad was there comforting her. They actually looked weak, I have always wanted to see them with their pride out the door. They looked just how I looked for years and I loved it.

My dad took notice and me, his eyes firing up in poison anger as he came right up to me. "You ruined everything!" He growled, but I remained unfazed. What did I expect him to do, hug me? Tell me he's sorry for hurting me? For neglecting me?

"Well sorry for leaving you with absolutely nothing! Now you have nothing. Must feel horrible having nowhere to go." I growled. "How about you mom? How does it feel to have a coward for a husband. You know dad would have stood up but all you have is pathetic so called man." I slowed down a bit. "I apologize for not being your ideal son. I don't understand none of it yet."

"You want to know why! Because you had no future. Ellie was something different but your other siblings all had a future. All Ellie ever cared about- he doesn't care about you. I never loved you because you are nothing."

"Or is it because he looks exactly like the man you abandoned huh?" Danny spoke up when I remained silent. "Are you bitter now because your son looks exactly like him? I bet that's just it. You did him some justice by leaving him, now you don't have two sons or your soulmate. I hope you have a wonderful life! Get the life your deserve."

"Goodbye mom, dad." After all this they left. No apology or anything. How could I have expected something more? There was nothing left between us but a wall that we had all built.

"Are you alright?" Danny asked. I nodded not really wanted to speak. "They don't know who they lost. I didn't know who I lost and like hell I regret it. You always did deserve the best and whoever you pick should consider themselves the luckiest people alive. You also have a chance to be happy." Danny paused for a while. "Come lets go get something to eat."

"Tell me about yourself Timothy." I chuckled as memories flooded my head as to when we first met. The very first line was 'Tell me about yourself Timothy.' Not even a hello.

"There is nothing to tell." I said remembering what I had responded with.

"Are you playing hard to get?"


"Are you playing hard to get?" I looked at him weirdly, who did this boy think he was, flirting with me.

"No I am just doing my job. May I get you something to drink?" I replied, trying to sound unfazed by his obvious flirting.

"May you give me your number?" There he went again asking for my number.

"I don't even know you." I said while looking around, to make sure my manager wasn't around.

"My name is Danny and I want to take you out on a date." Danny said casually.

"Listen, let me do my job, leave a good tip and I might just consider it?" Danny looked at me in doubt but placed in his order. I felt him watching me as he was eating and as I was working trying not to do something stupid to embarrass myself. Forty minutes went by even after I put the bill on his table. I was busy and couldn't get the chance to actually talk to him. So he kept pushing off paying and I didn't mind, he was patient enough to wait.

"Finally, may I get your number?" I smirked and simply told him my number. He earned it for being so patient. "How do I know your not lying?"

"Call me." he did and my phone buzzed in my pants pocket. He smiled and put his credit card down to pay for his bill. I went to do what I had to do and came back. Best tip I ever received. I watched as he stood up.

"I will defiantly be seeing you around." Danny winked and walked away. I totally see us dating, doing romantic stuff.


I was snapped back to reality. This has been an interesting time. With Danny. He wasn't all that bad and I feel extremely bad for hating him so much. Some people just deserve forgiveness, others deserve karma. I love karma. But anyways, we talked through the entire, me and him. I was glad we had this time together just forgetting everything else that had happened. "This place brings back great memories doesn't it?" he asked me. I nodded. "But nothing will every be the same will it?"

"Danny, you understand?"

"Yes I do but its just difficult but I understand perfectly, I messed up badly. But I'm happy you have a chance at being happy for once in your miserable life. You have people fighting for you and you don't deserve any less. I hope you find what you are looking for." Danny said while looking at me, I think out of all the lies and secrets, Danny regrets his the most. 

I swear if it deletes AGAIN i will... not be happy. !!

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