Monalise and Rafael

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I sat at the nurses station reviewing patient information when Angelica walked over carrying three styrofoam cups and some cup noodles.

She set the cup noodles down before handing me one of the cups. I took it curious to what was in it. "What is it?"

She looked at me with wide eyes. "Are you serious? It's lemonade Wednesday! I thought you said you were Brazilian?"

I took the lid off the cup to see a foamy substance in the cup. The whiff of Brazilian lemonade almost made me tear up. I had been craving this and hadn't realized it until now. "Oh my God! Thank you. I didn't know the cafeteria had this?"

She shook her head before taking her seat. "They don't. You have to get in good with the doctors and when they go out for lunch they'll bring you back something. This is from up the street. Dr. Lugo is the best when it comes to bringing back food, by the way."

I took a sip of the lemonade and almost fell over at how good it was. I would do anything to have my mom back to prepare some food for me. It was weighing on me that I hadn't talked to her in over a week.

Angelica clapped her hands. "Okay, back to this work stuff. Let's do rotations and then we'll go to the pharmacy so I could show you what we do."

Spending the day with Angelica felt like a roller coaster ride in the best way possible. It was hectic but she still kept me engaged and prepared for anything. Before I knew it, I was in the locker room packing my stuff.

"I can't believe we get a week off. What am I going to do with my life? I'm so used to being here all the time that I don't have a life outside of here." Erin said while taking her hair out of its braid.

I chuckled. "If you had a life outside of this, I'd be concerned. We're here 24/7. It's almost impossible to do anything else."

She rolled her eyes playfully. "Why did we think it was a good idea to go to nursing school?"

Erin and I walked out of the building together, laughing at a meme she showed me on her phone. The usual SUV I was expecting was replaced by a familiar car I'd recognize anywhere.

"Oh my God! He's real?"

I turned to give Erin a look. She'd seen him in pictures but this would be the first time she saw him in person. It didn't bother me that women had the reaction they did to him honestly because I got it completely, my husband was hot.

I shook my head. "Did you think I photoshopped him into our pictures?"

She didn't say anything as he walked over to us. When he was in reach he grabbed my waist and pulled me in for a kiss. "Buon pomeriggio amore mio (Good afternoon my love)."

"Hi Rafe." I pulled away slightly when I remembered Erin was there. "This is Erin. We're in school together."

He held his hand out for her to shake. "Hi Erin. It's nice to meet you."

She blushed. "Hi Mona's husba- I mean Rafael!"

I giggled at her reaction. It didn't bother me like it should have. "I'll see you in a week?"

She nodded. "Uh, yeah. Call me if you want to get together to study or something. Bye Rafael, it was nice to meet you. Bye Mona." She walked away before either of us could reply.

"A week? Is she going somewhere?"

I shook my head no. "We're getting a week off for some administrative thing they're doing at the school."

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