Monalise and Rafael

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I watched appreciatively while Rafael fixed his tie in the mirror. He looked incredibly handsome and I couldn't say I wasn't a little annoyed that he was leaving the house without me.

Today was the day of Ana's funeral on American soil. I wasn't allowed to go because there was a superstition about being pregnant and going to a funeral which I didn't necessarily believe in but Pablo did and there was the whole me almost losing my life thing which played an even bigger part in why I couldn't go. I had tried to tell Rafe that he was also a target but his fears were apparently way bigger than mine.

Pablo sent air tight directions on where the funeral was to be had so that it wouldn't turn into a bloodbath from other gangs. Rafael hadn't even shared the location with me.

Rafael was currently on the phone with his mom on speaker phone trying to ignore the glare I was giving him through the mirror.

"Se papà non si sente meglio, tornerò e lo porterò in ospedale." (If dad isn't feeling better, I will come back and take him to the hospital) His eyes met mine in the mirror. "Porterò mia moglie con me questa volta." (I'll bring my wife with me this time.)

"Certo, ci piacerebbe vederla." (Of course, we would love to see her). I could hear the joy in his mom's voice although I wasn't sure what they were talking about.

"Ti lascio ai tuoi affari. Ciao, figlio mio. (I'll leave you to your business. Bye, my son.)"

"Ciao, mamma."

I fell back into the bed rather roughly causing me to wince at the pain from my shoulder. Although it wasn't as unbearable as the day after it happened, I was still slightly sore.

"Be careful, mama." He chastised. "I'm leaving you here in one piece and I expect to come back to you in one piece."

I rolled my eyes. "Trust me, I'll be fine. It's you I should be worrying about, Rafe. We don't know what could happen while you're out there."

I heard his footsteps approach and then the bed dipped by my side. He placed his hand on the other side of me and leaned over me so that our faces were eye level. We stayed like that, just staring at each other for a while.

"If I didn't think I was coming back, I wouldn't go." He leaned down and connected our lips in a sweet kiss making me want to keep him there with me forever. I didn't want him out of my sight.

He bent down and placed a quick kiss on my stomach. "Don't forget the Doc is coming to check on you later."

I sat up once he got up from the bed. "I still think I should go to an OB, babe. They'll have all the equipment there with them. No offense but how am I supposed to take Madrino seriously when he only carries a stethoscope?"

He chuckled before grabbing his jacket. He put it on swiftly and I just couldn't help but admire how good he looked in a suit. "I'd trust that man and his stethoscope for a heart surgery. He knows what he's doing, bella. And I trust him, one hundred percent."

I nodded my head but looked away. The moment he left, I'd be looking for OBGYN's in the area that could do a house call.

"Do I need to tell you to be good and stay in the house or are you gonna be able to do that on your own?"

I rolled my eyes because I knew he was teasing. "I'll be here. It's not like I have anywhere else to go or be."

He smiled before saying his last goodbyes and leaving me in the room, the smell of his cologne wafting after him. Something about that Yves Saint Laurent scent made my mouth water. It drove me almost insane.

It wasn't until I heard the door shut downstairs that I got up reluctantly from the bed. I wanted nothing more than to nap and lie in bed all day but I knew my time awake could be better used studying, so I did that instead.

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