Let's Break Up 🥀💔

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Akshara: you are not ready to accept your mistake. You are busy in defending it. You don't know our parents nor their story. Then who gave you the right to bash them. Is it wrong to marry someone else when you lost your other half ?. Where is Arohi's mistake. Can we human choose our birth and background. Can we human decide anything? No... Never. We are helpless before fate

Kairav: yes my mumma was my father's first love and most favourite human. But that doesn't change the fact that he loves, respect and care about our sirat mumma. Do you think it's easy to live alone in the memory of person who left us abruptly... No... Never. Our papa decided to join her in heaven. He even forgot us. He even ....but thank God, some force stopped him and gave us back our favourite human. We saw how his world becomes us and our deeds. World can say it's how true love is.... But if you put aside the glorification game, you can see how human needs some one to lean on. He is a human, he needs someone to be with him.

Akshara: you guys can only pass comments... How hard it is to be alone ...that can be defined by only someone who is going through that. Where is he wrong. He first accepted sirat mumma for us. We are kids... We need a mother's affection. And she gave it without any partiality or prejudice. Two broken hearts came together to heal eachother. He lose his wife while she lost her first husband. And if your issue is with the background of sirat mumma.. then I have no answer. What's her mistake is to be born in a middle class family. She can't decide where she to be born.

Suwarna: background.... Even am from a middle class background... Even am the second wife of Manish ji... That means Mahima ji hate me too.

Manjari tries to ease the atmosphere. But Mahima interuppted.

Mahima: never.i didn't mean that... What I meant is that... Arohi's mother... We donno how she looks, how she was or how good she was. But she is encircled by so many rumours. Case, court and all.

Kairav: that's because... Bike buddy's father is just like you... Who donno how to respect a human for what they are. Who judge people for their family background. And his that behaviour ends up in losing his own son. In the fire of revenge, he killed his own son. And you too is doing the same.

Mahima: hesitantly too I accepted her naa. But I too have the right to say that we wished for Akshara but got Arohi...and Neil is her husband...I didn't separate them naa.

Mahima tries to clarify her stand

But you separated someone else from someone. And it will be hard for them to come together.

Kairav and Neil understood what Akshu meant by that sentence.

Akshu: when you were busy in picking on our sirat mumma...you forgot that Arohi is your bahu and sirat mumma is her maa. Why can't you treat our with little respect. You guys don't deserve her. Being our step sister is not her fault. We consider it as our luck to have sirat. You guys have no right to bash someone like this... Hereafter I don't associate with Birlas. Aaru you deserve better....

Manish: haa baccha... Did this family deserve you.

Arohi stumbles a bit. Kairav immediately grabbed her. On the other side Vansh holds Akshu

 On the other side Vansh holds Akshu

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