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It's her vidaii time

Natik came forward and gave abhi a ring.

Abhimanyu: but .... There is no need for this. Your love is all that I need. Your trust on me is the best gift you can give me.

Natik: years before. I met a kid like you, who loves my daughter more than himself. He introduced himself as an orphan. He don't want to be addressed as the son of a big family like Goenka. He called me sir, then papa. Still today I can guarantee to anyone that...his that way of calling me papa is genuine and sincere. He loved my daughter more than anyone. Without any expectation he fell for her harder and harder. There is no point he put her second in his priority list. I saw him laugh for her, smile for her and even cry for her. I saw him praying for her... playing for her and punishing himself for her. He dares to question his own family for her. Even dares to call and compare my daughter to his daadi. He fights for her rights. He even says no to having kids to protect my kid. On her surgery day.... He hold my hand and announced he can't be alive without her... Even when they are against eachother, he cares for her. Even in her anger we can see his love for her. Some will criticise him for choosing sirat as his second wife. But we Singhanyias won't. Yes am living in my wife's memories. But the time l lost her am already this old and have two big kids to console and support me. But his story is different. He was helplessly standing at the point where he lost her with no direction to go with his two little kids. There is a time we thought we lost him too on that day. Sirat is not a wrong choice. With her affection she proved that to us . God gave him a second chance. Still he make sure that he didn't fall for her face but for her character. In one word God gave me a best son in law. So I wish that God would grant him with an awesome son in law.

Manish: Naira.... The kid full of life and love. Caree oriented or family oriented??? She is both. I loved her like my own daughter. That's not a cliche. Yes we have our own difference in opinion... But she is always my favourite kid. Naira is the one who mend our relationship and made this house a home 🏡. Am always thankful to God for her. She held my hand like she hold natik's. She made me more normal and humourous. With her I smile alot. It took years for me to accept Sirat as my bahu. Because the void naira left is too big to mend that easily. Naira is the best bahu, beti , beevi and maa. Akshara is her ansh. We can guarantee you that she won't leave your side that easily. But if once you crossed her bottom line, there won't be any chance for you to mend this relationship.

Abhimanyu: bade papa , we will have a family that I dreamt for. A family built in love, respect, trust and sincerity. There my wife will be my partner not slave. Our kid's won't see us fighting. Our kids won't see tears in her eyes ever. I will love her till my last breath.

Rajashri: enough off this promises... Come let's move forward to the hardest part of this day.

Everyone gathers there.

Maahi Manake Lai Chaleya
Ve Mera Ni
Haaye Mera Khilona Rooth Gaya
Babul Da Vehra Chhoot Gaya

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