Chapter 6

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Chapter 6. The abstinent general‌‎‍‌‍ saurus‌‌‍ hole‎‌‎‌‍ swallows an anal plug and wants to be lascivious.

In the corridor, the manager Kos was leading the way while introducing little Xiongzi to the people behind him: "...Yes, he was sent to the fostering center last month. He was treated at the Imperial Hospital before being sent. A few days of treatment…”

"...No, it's not clear who hurt such a precious male. In fact, the doctor who treated him said that his memory was confused because of those injuries, so now he can't remember anything except his own name. Anything about himself and his family. We have also searched for his identity in the empire's database, but unfortunately, we can't find any information about him. So we suspect... he may have been captured by someone before. The female with evil thoughts is taken care of as a forbidden concubine..."

"...No, according to your instructions, I concealed the existence of this male son, so the other generals who have the qualifications to raise the young male son of this court do not know his existence..."

"...General, please rest assured that I have only arranged a caregiver for this young boy, and I can guarantee that this caregiver has a very firm mind and will never molest or seduce him in any way." Behavior, and the breeder is already 32 years old and not very strong, so it is impossible to attract the attention of the little male..."

"Okay, this is the little Xiongzi's game room. You can have some simple contact and Q&A with him, but please be particularly careful and try not to arouse the other person's dislike." Kos stopped and looked towards The person behind him looked very serious, "As we all know, the pheromones emitted by males can make the females who come into contact have a strong desire to be penetrated. If they don't have a strong enough will, females are generally not allowed to have sex with minors. Meet the male child. 

What’s more, the child you are going to see next is almost the most pheromone-rich and alluring male child I have ever seen, even the most famous male child in the empire with a blood purity of 60%. Saran, standing in front of him will be overshadowed. Even I can't be in the same room with him for more than ten minutes... I know that General, your ability to resist pheromone is one of the best in the empire, but I still want to remind you , this male is so seductive, so please be sure to restrain your desires, don’t scare him, and don’t arouse his disgust.”

"After all, according to the law, the adoption of a little male child must be personally agreed by the adopted little male child. If your adoption application is rejected by the other party, then no matter how powerful I am, I cannot ignore the empire. The law entrusts such a precious little male to your care."

"I will be careful." The man in a straight military uniform with a tough and mature face as sharp as a knife paused for a moment, "Thank you very much for your help. If in the end I am still not qualified to take care of this young man, it will be because A relationship where I’m not good enough.”

Kos's face softened a little after hearing this.

He was actually taking a huge risk to hide Xiao Xiongzi's information for the other party. Once such a serious violation of discipline was exposed, an extremely terrible punishment would be waiting for him. But he had to do it because the man in front of him, this female general known as the sharp sword of the empire, had once saved his own child during the rebellion that plunged the entire empire into despair. This kind of kindness can only be offset by this kind of repayment.

"With my authority, I can hide it for half a month at the latest, so you must win the favor of this young male within half a month. And I have to remind you that the purity of this young male's bloodline is quite high. If Without my delay, even with your current status and achievements, I am afraid you would not be able to compete with the generals of the other five legions. Therefore, this is the only chance. I have done everything I can, and I can only look at you next. By myself."


The door was pushed open.

The extremely alluring pheromone in the room filled Otros's nose almost instantly. The familiar and maddening smell made his ‍‌‎‌post‎‌hole‎‍‍‎‌ immediately Soggy.

When Otros saw the small figure by the window, he held his breath almost involuntarily, for fear that he would disturb the young man who had tortured him countless times in his dreams.

Before Oslot came here, he put a butt plug in to prevent his butt from squirting in front of the little male, but the moment he saw him, he still I couldn't help but tighten my strong buttocks and push the thick anal plug deeper into the flesh wall, using the pleasure produced to eliminate some of my desire‌‌‍‎ fire‍‌.

It's just that he has used this trick too many times, and doing so now will only intensify his ‍‌‎‌‎desire‌‌‍‎ fire‍‌.

It is estimated that no one in the empire will know that the cold and majestic sharp-edged general who has never shown a smile will be the one who solemnly swears in front of countless subordinates when attending a major meeting, while speaking with a ‌‍‍‎‌lewd‎‌‍‍ A sexy ass with water, a sexual pervert who squeezes anal plug and ejaculates semen‍‎‍‌.


His white...

Oster kept calling the other person's name unbearably in his heart. His ice-blue pupils, which were so cold that they could freeze everything, were now ignited with a burning fire of desire.

After 25 days, he finally met the young man who he had fantasized about fucking his own meat and pussy for countless nights.

Oslot always remembered the first time he met this young man. He was so weak. It seemed that the wings of death would cover his life in the next moment. Realizing this, he felt fear for the first time in his life. He once thought that there was no such emotion in his body, even when the entire battle armor was captured and he was held to the head with an energy gun by a bug from the Free Army. His face did not waver at all. But when he saw this young man bleeding and curled up in his arms, his rationality was completely abandoned at that moment. Oslot even ignored the mission that was about to be completed and flew away from the warship in his armor. Back to the empire.

Afterwards, he was punished by a one-month suspension for not completing the task, but he, who always valued glory more than life, didn't care at all.

Because he knew that his treasure was safe and sound.

When he learned that his little boy was an orphan and had to enter a foster care center, Oslot could not suppress his inner joy.

Because this means that he, who has the qualifications to raise a minor male child with numerous medals on his shoulders, can legitimately take this young male child under his wing.

As a mother and father, he can occupy the other person's sight, the other person's breath, the other person's body, and even the other person's heart!

Because the fertility rate in the empire is so low, laws introduced in recent years allow the female who raises the orphaned male to have the first right to mate when the male becomes an adult.

Oslot certainly knows how ridiculous this law is, allowing a male son to fuck his mother and father's ass and ejaculate into his mother and father when he reaches adulthood. ‎‍‌, this kind of behavior that was close to ‌‍‎‍‌chaos‎‌‌‍‎‍ made him grateful for the first time in his life to the framers of the empire's laws.

What a beautiful relationship...

Mother, father and adopted son...

Imagining his ‌‎‍‌‍sun‌‌‍hole‎‌‎‌‍ swallowing the young male’s thick ‎‍‌‍‌meat‎‍‎‍‌cock‌‍‎‎‌, Oslot was so directly lustful during the military parade‌ ‎‎‌‍Cum‎‍‎‌Cum‍‎‍‌!

Oslot imagined that he would shamelessly climb into the little boy's bed, and then use his vagina to rape his son's penis as the boy cried out, "Father! No!" ‎‍‌‍‌Meat‎‍‎‍‌cock‌‍‎‎‌, forcing the opponent to continuously eject ‌‎‍‎‌semen‍‍‌semen‌‌ with thick pheromones until his flesh wall can no longer take it.

What a wonderful experience that would be...

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