Chapter 19

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He shivered and unbuttoned his clothes with some hesitation.

With his head lowered, he didn't notice that the man who had been expressionless from beginning to end was staring at him. If anyone familiar with the man was present at this moment, he would be surprised to see the other man's wild-like vertical cocks. The pupils have already shrunk into a vertical line, and this is always the reaction of the other party when he is extremely excited!

Chapter 13. Dr. Mi’s mouth inserts the cock into his mouth

Ulysses put his hand behind his back and gently pressed the ‍‎‌‌‎ acupoint‎‎‌mouth‍‌‍‌ deep in his buttocks. The soft and wet touch there made him understand that he was not as calm as he looked at the moment. this the name of the male in front of me?

Ulysses remembered the first time he saw the other person, the rich and charming pheromones almost shattered the calmness he was most proud of.

This taste... you can’t go wrong! This is clearly the aura that only pure-blooded people have!

His family had been studying the secrets of bloodline for so many years, but they never expected that he would actually see the appearance of a pure-blooded person in his lifetime!

Ulysses lost control of his emotions when he thought of this. Like his fathers, he had devoted almost his entire life to the research on pure-blooded people. However, compared to the gentleness of his fathers, Ulysses was an extremely crazy person. of pure bloodists.

Although there has never been any record of a pure-blooded male since the establishment of the empire, the information that the family has collected for centuries allowed him to get a glimpse of pure-blooded men when he was young. From that moment on, Ulysses had a huge curiosity about pure-blood males. Even as an adult, this curiosity was twisted into a strong obsession, driving him to embark on a path that seemed to others to be... The anti-social and anti-insect scientific research path was eventually regarded by the empire as a dangerous person who needed to be closely monitored.

But also because his research on blood was far higher than that of scientists in the same field, he was sent to check Chi Bai's body after Fickdo considered it for a long time.

Although Ulysses asked Ficteau to move all his scientific research equipment to the fostering center in advance in order to improve the accuracy of the data, he was the only one who knew that these so-called equipment were just an excuse for him to hide his lies. The idiots outside could at most tell that the little male's blood concentration was not low, but he was 100% sure that the other person was a pure-blooded person at the first sight, and there was no need to waste time and effort in conducting precise inspections.

Ulysses was so sure because he had secretly conducted research on insect transformation. At that time, he was eager to see a living pure-blooded person, but if he followed the old path of his father's generation, he might end up dead. He was unable to make progress in his life, so he, who was already a bit crazy, did not hesitate to bring his scientific research direction into a field that normal people dare not touch - genetic modification.

He tried every means, and finally quietly imprisoned a male, and launched a series of pharmaceutical experiments on him. After countless failures, he injected a pharmaceutical he named ACP-27 into the man. In the male's body, the opponent's genetic defects were repaired to the greatest extent, and the bloodline concentration jumped from 15% to 98% in an instant!

Although the side effects of this potion made the opponent wither like a flower that quickly withered after blooming, and his body collapsed and died in less than 10 minutes, but at least in those short 10 minutes, he saw someone who was almost a pure-blooded person. The pheromones and charm you will have!

Unfortunately, before he could begin to savor the wonderful pheromones, his experiment was discovered. Because his talents and achievements in scientific research are indeed rare in the world, even if he committed the capital crime of killing a precious male, the empire would only completely control him, and even had some intention of funding him to continue to carry out research in this area.

Of course, as a sinner of the empire, on the surface, he still needs to make progress in other aspects of research, and the ripening agent is a breakthrough drug that he has just developed recently and has not yet been officially reported. This medicine can advance the development of a male's sexual organs, so that he can have an erection and ejaculate before he officially reaches adulthood, and the side effects of the medicine are so small that they are almost negligible.

Ulysses knew very well how deep his obsession with pure-blooded people was.

This obsession was love, strong possessiveness, and desperate madness.

What's more, the little male in front of him didn't even smell like a female. Contaminated minor!

Since his body matured, Ulysses has always used pure-blooded males as a source of comfort for his body. He has fantasized about being fucked in the farts countless times by the other party’s penis. ‎‍‌ Eyes The ‎‎head‍‎moistened by its own ‍‍‎‌‌water, sprays out thick male semen, fills its own body, completely possesses itself, and marks itself as belonging to the other party.

But now, the Xiongzi whom he had lusted after for so many years appeared in front of him, unpreparedly taking off his clothes and lying on the bed waiting for him. If he doesn't do something, he'll be so stupid as to be out of the galaxy!

Chi Bai didn't notice anything unusual about the man. The other man's cold expression gave him some inexplicable sense of trust. Therefore, he had witnessed the ferocity of females since he came to this world, and he did not resist the order to take off his clothes, even if This process is completely different from the last time I tested my ancestry.

He lay on the bed obediently and watched nervously as the man took out an injection from somewhere.

"Do I still need an injection for body testing?" The brightly colored liquid in the transparent needle gave Chi Bai an inexplicable feeling of ominousness.

But the man just knelt down beside his bed. After the entire potion was completely injected into his body, the man showed his first smile since they met.

But this smile made Chi Bai feel hairy all over, and there was even an almost instinctive fear that reminded him to get away from this person quickly.

But before he could put his fear into reality, Chi Bai felt a wave of hot passion suddenly rise in his lower abdomen, and his always soft meat‎‌‌cock‌‎‌‎‍ also slowly became taller. stand up.

Chi Bai's confused look pleased Ulysses. He leaned close to the other person's ear, and his voice was filled with indescribable sweetness: "My name is Ulysses, remember it, because it belongs to you." It’s the first time I fucked a female in the ass with a meat stick for the first time.”


Although Chi Bai was suffering from the fire of desire and fire, he was not completely unconscious. He clearly knew that he was in the state he was in now because this female named Ulysses had beaten him. Caused by strange potions.

He didn't expect that the other party, who looked like a serious person, would do such a thing in order to be fucked by him. Although the other party repeatedly emphasized that the medicine had no side effects, the feeling of being plotted made him really depressed. There was an evil fire.

Chi Bai understands that he can't do anything without venting his current situation. Since the slut in front of him has the courage to provoke him, he must be prepared to be fucked by him until he can't get out of bed!

Chi Bai thought so, and his movements became more and more ruthless.

He grabbed the man's amber-blond hair and pushed the man's head down to his crotch. The hard meat was swallowed by the hungry man almost instantly. The softness and heat in his mouth made Chi Bai couldn't help but let out a moan, and then he lifted up his body without any hesitation, and thrust into the deepest part of the other person's mouth with great force.

Ulysses carefully put away his teeth, and only used his tongue and mouth to wrap the male's pheromone-filled ‌‌meat‎‌‌ stick‌‎‌‎‍.

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