adieu, mon soleil

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I wish I could unlearn her, because falling in love with her wasn't a part of my plan. I enjoyed her company. I enjoyed those days when she was by my side as a friend, but I made a mistake.

I fell in love with my best friend.

I know I shouldn't have done it, but the moment I realised I have fallen for her, I just had fallen too deep. Too deep for me to survive. Too deep for her to save me.

Now, I am thinking of the best way to avoid her. Even better, if I can forget about her completely. Erasing and deleting every memory that we had shared together. Maybe, disappear from her life?

Avoiding however caused me to hurt her. I swear, before I mess up, she has the sweetest smile and always puts it on her face. Now, every time I see her, every time our eyes meet, her smile fades. The same goes when she is laughing.

That's why I thought leaving her life completely would be better.

I yearn to erase the memories of her, as my heart wasn't meant to fall for a friend. Those days of shared laughter turned into a tangled mess of emotions, and I find myself desperately seeking a way out of this unrequited love.

The more I try to escape, the tighter the knots of regret and heartache become. I'm caught between the desire to preserve what's left of our friendship and the unbearable weight of unspoken feelings.

Perhaps disappearing from her life was not the solution. Now, the dilemma lingers: Should I confront my emotions and risk our friendship, or continue down this path of silent suffering?


Graduation day...

Minji's excitement was palpable as she clutched her graduation certificate, but it quickly turned to concern when she couldn't spot Y/n in the sea of graduates.

Her attempts to call Y/n went unanswered, adding to the growing unease in her chest.

Finally spotting a mutual friend, Yoona and Jinsoul, Minji approached with a sense of urgency. "Have you seen Y/n?" she asked, trying to keep her voice steady.

Yoona and Jinsoul looked at each other, confused too. "I thought she was with you..?" Yoona hesitated.

Jinsoul tilted her head and began to look around. "Let's find her." Jinsoul suggests, started to make her way into the crowd.

Yoona and Minji followed Jinsoul and they began their mission to find Y/n. Their confusion rose when they failed to find the familiar tall figure.

Without saying anything, Minji made her way to ask her classmates.

"Hey guys." Minji called, trying to grab their attention. The laughter stopped as they averted their attention to Minji. "Oh, Minji. What's up?" One of them asked.

"Have you seen Y/n?"

The friend hesitated, then reluctantly admitted, "Yeah, she left a while ago."

Concern etched across Minji's face as she processed the information. She thanked her friend and hurried towards Yoona and Jinsoul.

Minji tells them and all begins to message and call Y/n.

Amidst the anxious search, Haerin, a junior from their school, approached Minji with a bouquet of flowers and a sealed letter.

"Y/n sunbae-nim asked me to give you this," Haerin explained.

"Y-Yes? Thank you..." Minji thanked the younger girl, excusing herself and began to find a quiet corner.

Opening the envelope, she found Y/n's familiar handwriting. The letter didn't explain her sudden departure, but something Minji failed to understand.

Congratulation on graduating.
I think I'll regret this,
but goodbye for now.
Live well, Kim Minji.

Minji gripped the letter tightly, her hands trembling with a mixture of disbelief and fury. Tears escaped her eyes like a sudden pouring rain. Her lips quiver.


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