Distance of Past

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{ Rin Kagamine }

I look over the side of my shoulder to reveal my best friends walking over to me. Alright gotta pull my act together. Even with this in mind I felt distant from everyone. All sounds were muffled as if I wore headphones.

"Hey Rin-chan!" Gumi and Miku said in unison.

"Huh? Oh..Hey..." I was for some reason hesitant to respond.

From the way they looked at each other, I knew they knew something was up. I push all thoughts away and focus on the one at hand.

"Is there something wrong?" They both looked deep into my eyes.

"No it's nothing." I turn my head to the side and look out the window.

"You're gonna have to spill it later. We have to go. Looks like a mob of girls have somethings to ask of you my lady." Gumi teased before running off to class with Miku.

This was my life. People would come to me for advice and I would give it to them. If I can't make my life better I should try and help other people. I give the girls a wave and walked away. My whole body felt limp and frail after I let my hand fall to my side.

I would constantly wave to people and greet them. It was just another day. But today there were more murmurs in the halls.

"Hey did you hear that a transfer student is coming?" One said.

"Yeah. I heard that he was an outsider. What a dump." Another said.

"How would you know?" I question.

"What?" Person I don't care what your name is said.

"What do you mean what?" I snapped.

"So you're standing up for a guy you've never met?" Person I'm gonna call you poop #1 asked.

"I will stand up for anyone." I calmly responded.

"So how mush you can really stand up for someone?" Person I'm gonna call you poop #2 offered.

"Sorry Poop #1 and Poop #2, I have some business to attend to. Maybe next time." I decline and turn my back. I sensed anger reflecting off of them and left. Until Poop #1 whipped me around.

Only to have Poop #2 give a swing at my face...

{ Len Kagamine }

I enter the school, only to hear distant yelling. The school was huge. I started to shrink away slowly, until a light tap was placed on my shoulder. I turn around to see a woman.

"Hi. You must be Len. Pleased to meet you. Here is your schedule." She passed me the schedule and walked away.

The rambling got louder and louder. It was almost as if it was calling me towards it. Even if that wasn't the case I decide to look at it anyway. There was a crowd circling two boys. They all seemed furious at them.

"Why would you hit her?" One yelled.

"All she did was try to make someone's life easier!" Another yelled.

I tried going past the crowd but some looked at me.

"Are you the transfer student?" He asked.

I slowly nodded a yes.

"Sorry about what I'm gonna do but you need to know the truth. But before I do it, the name's Kaito." Kaito said.

He turned around to face the crowd and once he started to turn his fist went with him. The last two thing I was able to make out was Kaito mouthing Sorry.


Note | So yeah, Len and Rin both got a messed up face but you know it's okay. It will be better. I will pray.... But I actually am really into this so expect updates soon. Comment anything you might want to see. Bue! ▼( ̄▽ ̄)▲


☆ Words-615 ☆

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