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2 months ago

It started out like any other morning. The birds where chirping, the fresh summer breeze moved my curtains through the open window and my cat purred on my chest.

I felt at peace. I knew I had to savour every moment because it was my birthday next week. Which meant it was almost August. Which also meant school will start again. My senior year.

From all the movies and shows I've seen and from the books I've read I should have been more excited. But I wasn't.

Senior year meant change. And I hated change. Just the thought of the SAT's and colleges and moving made me want to throw up.

And I know I can only speak for myself, because Kie can not wait a second longer, but moving out scared me. My brother, Caleb, got into NYU just last year and when he moved out things changed.

He called home less and less, we only saw him between semesters and it was like I didn't know him anymore.

I didn't want to fall out with my family like that. I just loved them too much to do that.

When Bean, my cat, finally jumped off of my chest I reached for my phone to check the time. 10:12 am.

Wow it was late. I usually wake up much earlier due to my mother burtsing in my room at 8 am sharp.

Now that I think about it today morning is strange. I hadn't heard any movement in the house. Not my dad watching TV, my mom cooking or my sisters arguing.

Why was everything so quiet? I wanted to investigate. I put on some socks and opened my door. No sign of anyone.

I went next door to see if Kiara was up but I found no one in her bed. Even stranger. Kie never misses a chance to sleep in.

My next stop was my little sister's room where I found her sleeping in her bed. Finally.

"Ave, Ave wake up." I shook her in an attempt to gently wake her.

"Mhmm. What time is it?" She rubbed the sleep from her eyes and yawned.

"It's almost half past 10. Do you know where everyone is?" I asked her but she just shook her head. The poor girl was still half asleep.

"I'm gonna check downstairs. Get up and start your day." I told her and left her room.

Downstairs I found no one. What a shock. I called out for my parents and my twin but to no avail.

They were most certainly gone. But why didn't they tell me? That's when I remembered I had a phone.

I dialed my sister's number and sent the call. It rang for a good minute before she picked up.

"Kie? Where are you guys?" I spoke into my phone but didn't get an answer.

"Kie? What's up?" I was getting worried. From the other side I could hear sniffling and muffled crying. My sister finally spoke up.

"May...we-we're at the hospital." She started crying.

"Ho-hold on a second. The hospital? Wh-why are you at the hospital? Is everyone all right?" I think I lost my mind for the minute Kie went silent.

Why was half of my family at the hospital? Was everyone all right? Why was my sister crying? I needed answers.

"May? Baby is that you?" The sound from my phone came and I reacted in an instant.

"Mommy? What's going on? Is dad ok?" I came to the conclusion that if mom and Kie answered the phone dad must've been the one admitted to the hospital.

"Your father is okay baby." My mom spoke in a light, almost whisper-like voice. She sounded like she'd been up all night.

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