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The week went by pretty fast and Jayden hadn't talked to me since Monday. I didn't blame her though. I wasn't exactly easy to approach. I spent most of my time with Brie and Sam, third wheeling them in school.

I didn't like being home. I preferred spending my freetime in the forest near our house. Walking around there, with music in my ears, I could escape the real world for a while. Hidden behind the large trees there wasn't room for grief or sadness. I wasn't Kie's twin, the girl with the dead brother or a child of divorce there. I was just me.

Today, unfortunately I had to stay inside. I promised Avery I would play some chess with her, so that she could practice for her upcoming tournament...and because I felt guilty leaving her alone in these tough times.

"Ughh...now I remember why I never play chess with you." I groaned in my chair at the kitchen table. I was still in my pj's, which consisted of some shorts and an oversized shirt with Edward Cullen on it. Avery was sat opposite me with a shit-eating grin on her face. This was her third check-mate and we had only been playing for an hour and a half.

"Yeah? Is it because you suck ass at chess?" She teased me as she put all the pieces back in their original spots, ready for another game.

"You little shit!" I just laughed at Avery's snarky remark. It was crazy that she was already 14 years old and not a little baby anymore.

I took a bite out of my toast which had jam spread neatly over it. It was only 10 am, I don't even know how Avery managed to get me up this early on a Saturday. We suddenly heard a knock on the door and I looked up in surprise. To my knowledge we weren't expecting any guests today.

"Coming!" Kie shouted from upstairs and raced for the front door. She opened it less than 10 seconds later and greeted the mystery visitor with an excited squeal and a hug.

"Hi girls!" Jayden stepped into our house and I had to do a double take. Her long blonde hair was down, with only some of it clipped back with a hairclip, she was in a pair of low waisted jeans and a white crop top to complete the look. She looked as cool as ever.

When Jayden made eye contact with me I suddenly was very aware of the state I was in. I tried my best to subtly brush my fingers through my hair and sank further into my seat in an attempt to cover most of Edward's body on my shirt.

"Hi." I gave Jayden a short smile and picked up a glass pawn, which suddenly looked very interesting.

"Hi Jayden!" Avery, not aware of my discomfort, greeted her big sister's friend with a smile. Jayden just ruffled Avery's hair which she didn't appreciate much.

"We'll be upstairs if you need anything. Come on Jay." Kie grabbed a handful of stuff from the fridge and skillfully shut it close with her right foot.

"Okay...have fun." I muttered and assumed they went upstairs. So you can imagine my surprise when Jayden spoke up from beside me and whispered to me.

"We still need to talk. I'll look for you later." She kept it brief, surely Kie would be yelling for her if she stayed a moment longer. I choked out an okay and let our guest go on her way.

"Next round?" Avery was ready to beat me again. She didn't see the storm of emotions that took over me since Jayden came inside, or if she did, she didn't mention it.

"Hit me." I accepted my faith and settled back into my chair.
After Avery beat my ass two more times she finally announced that she was bored and sent me on my way. I collected my stuff and went upstairs to my room.

I decided it was the safest bet if I wanted to avoid my sister and Jayden since they could go downstairs at any time.

I closed the door behind me and scooped up Bean who was lying on the floor, in a patch of light that was coming in through the window.

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