5 minutes

72 1 0

Tags: Dadzawa

TW: serious injuries, possible major character death, etc.

5 minutes.
That was all it took.
5 minutes.

One minute we're running our usual Sunday errands for the dorms. It's just me, Eri, and a handful of my students: Momo, Kirishima, Tsu, Shinso, and, of course, Izuku Midoriya. Why does it always have to be him?
Everything is peaceful at first, we're in a small corner store in the heart of the city, picking up the odds and ends. Most of our supplies are shipped in, but there are always little things that come up now and then. It's quiet as we peruse the aisles, picking up everything on the list. It's just a routine Sunday evening. Who would have thought things could ever go so wrong?
Two minutes in, there's a loud boom coming from outside. Midoriya runs towards the noise, sees something that rattles him, then turns around in a panic screaming frantically to take cover.
The earth shakes, fire bursts through the windows in a furious rage. Glass goes flying, the only one close enough to get hit is Midoriya, but he doesn't even flinch as the flames kick his back and the glass slices through his skin. Debris starts to fall around us and the ceiling caves in. Momo creates a sheild, Tsu joins her and pulls Shinso undercover with them. Kirishima braces for impact alone, and Midoriya? Midoriya rushes me carrying Eri, pushing her into my arms, then using himself as a human shield to protect us from the blast.

3 minutes in the dust clears and I watch in horror as he holds the building together, not even bothering to notice the metal pipe securely lodged in his side, going in one side and out the other holding him in place. As he pushes the rubble aside, he frowns at his apparent lack of mobility. Eri is tucked firmly into my chest and part of me is so thankful she doesn't have to see this, the poor girl is already so traumatized, I can't even imagine what seeing her hero like this would do to her. The others are fine. Kirishima hardened in time and Momo managed to shield the others. Kirishima is the first to notice and rushes to our side. I gently place eri in his arms, ordering him to reconvene with the other students and wait outside with the pros. He sees Midoriya and goes pale, nodding along and running to join the others.
I know my problem child, having others here will only make things worse.
"S-sensei?" he croaks out. His voice is strained from the dust in the air. I don't think the pain has set in yet. He's still in shock.
I snap my eyes towards his shivering frame.
"Hey kid. It's gonna be ok, just breathe." I try my best to stay rational, to stay calm. The metal at the very least hit him more to the side. There's still a possibility that it hit some vital organs, but at the very least it should have avoided the stomach, and it's low enough to have avoided hitting the heart or the lungs, which is a start. There's hope. I just have to hold him steady until help arrives.
He's panicking, eyes darting around the room searching for something or someone but finding nothing. So he hasn't realized. He must think it's a quirk or something. Poor kid. If only that was what this was.
"I-I can't move" he chokes.
"I know. I know. Just stay still, you're gonna make it worse."
"I-I think I'm stuck" he grunts.
His eyes dart down and the moment he sees it my heart breaks. He moves his hand to his side, feeling his blood coating the cold metal that's holding him in his place.
"O-oh" he gasps in morbid realization.
"It's- it's gonna be ok sensei... I'm.. I'm fine."
"You're not fine. But it is gonna be ok. I just need you to hang in there until help arrives got it?"
I feel a lump in my throat as I speak. He's going to be ok. I know that. So why does it feel like a lie?
"I- I'm sorry sir.. I- I never meant to.. to burden you like this," his voice is shaky and he's trembling, color draining from his face.
"You're not a burden, you did good, now just hold on ok?"
"I... I don't think. I don't... I-" his voice lulls and his eyes start to flutter closed. He slumps forward, coughing up blood.
I hold him in place, any more movement and we risk further damage.
"I... I-"
He panics. He's ghostly pale, blood dripping from his mouth as he leans into my touch, begging for even the slightest bit of comfort.
"I'm scared. I.. I don't want to die"
"I know kid. I know. And we're not gonna let that happen. You're not going anywhere ok."
He shivers, lips turning blue.
"It's so cold sensei." his voice is so quiet, barely a whisper at this point. I can tell his fight for consciousness is a losing battle, but the boy is stubborn. He's not one to go down without a fight.
"I know just hang in there. Help is on the way they'll be here any minute"
"I'm so tired."
His words slurred, blood dripping from the corner of his mouth as his eyes glaze over.
"I know, but I need you to keep your eyes open for me, ok kid?"
"I.. I don't think. I don't think I can"
His words come out in gasps and I know we don't have long. I just pray they show up in time.
"Please, just please try for me. Stay awake as long as possible ok?" I'm desperate. I can't lose him. I can't.
"I'm-" he erupts in a fit of desperate coughs, blood spewing from his mouth.
"I'm s-sorry"
"No kid. You have nothing to apologize for. You did good."
His eyes roll back and his body goes limp.
5 minutes. That's all it took. 5 damn minutes and I'm by his side in the ambulance, then I'm pacing in the hospital waiting room. 5 damn minutes and a peaceful outing turned into absolute hell.
5 more minutes and talking to his mother on the phone breaking the news.
It's funny how 5 minutes can feel like forever. If only time could stand still like that. Maybe I could have saved him, been the hero I was supposed to be. He's just a kid. He's just a kid and in 5 damn minutes I failed him. 5 minutes. 5.

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