Now I'm the Deku

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Tags: Platonic Bakudeku, Middleschool deku
A/N: this was the start to a possible ghost deku AU. Let me know if you're interested.

TW: Major Character death
I rush to his side pushing through the crowd to reach him.

"Wake up Nerd!"
It's a joke right? It has to be. He can't actually be dead

"Get up deku!"
I scream in desperation. He can't be dead. He's not dead. He's not. This can't be the end. He's gonna wake up! Any second now he'll wake up and it'll all be ok again.
But he doesn't wake up. He stays lying against the splintered concrete eyes glazed over and lips turning blue.

"You're so useless. Can't even save yourself from a stupid villain, shitty worthless deku.."
I mutter through tears as I devolve into a fit of choked out sobs. I'm swept in by a current of silent screams and I'm drowning in it.

All might, the number one hero just killed my best friend. I can't even begin to comprehend it. My idol has destroyed me. The symbol of peace just made my world a living hell. He stole from me something I never realized I needed and now there's no getting it back. He's gone. He's dead. End of story.

It all happened so fast. One second I was choking on sludge, fighting for my life. The next I'm being pulled out by stupid deku, now lying dead at my feet.
Looking down at what's left of my friend, I see someone different, someone I haven't seen in a long time. His eyes are shut peacefully and a grin is plastered on his pale face. Of course he would smile in the end, he was always the biggest all might fanboy.

It's all so ironic in a wretchedly melancholic way. Shitty Quirkless Deku saved me. I was bred to be the next number one and here he is, just a quirkless kid I relentlessly tortured all my life, and he's the one that saved me. He's two times the hero I'll ever be and he doesn't even have a quirk. Then there's the other, more terrifying sense of irony. Deku was killed by his hero's negligence. The last thing he saw was the look of bitter hatred on his idol's face, and still he died with a smile. Even in the end when his hopes had practically shattered he couldn't stop fucking smiling!

In a sense, His smile haunts me. It's a smile I haven't seen in a long time. This isn't deku, the kid I bullied through grade school. This is Izuku Midoriya, my childhood best friend... or at least he was Izuku midoriya..
The puddles of blood stained the freshly cracked concrete that speared through his unmoving chest, his body contorted and twisted like a marionette tied up in it's strings. He was gone. He was actually gone, and it was all my fault.

I whisper like an unkept promise, broken behind closed doors. The air has been stripped from my lungs. I try to scream but nothing comes out. I kneel beside him, his blood staining my uniform.

Perhaps it's a coping mechanism, a way for my brain to protect me from the wrong I've done, but looking down at him I can't help but see myself in his place. I block out his face in my mind and focus on his uniform. I can hardly tell where the uniform ends and the flesh begins. It's all so grotesque that it blurs together. I reach to touch him, to hold him, but I stop myself. The second I feel him, his cold lifeless corpse, it will all be real. Right now I can still pretend it's a dream. I can act like it never happened. I can deny it. The second I feel his slowly cooling blood on my hands is the second I have to accept that he's gone and he's never coming back.

When I gain the courage to hold his hand I realize that a part of me had already accepted it. Either that or I was so lost in denial that I blocked it all out. In desperation I tell myself that I've moved on. That I know he's gone and he's not coming back or that feeling his limp body in my arms doesn't change that. I tell myself that the moment I saw him I knew. Even if it's a lie.

I regret not holding him sooner. I don't want to let go. He's like a brother to me. How could I let this happen?! How could I just let him die! Why did he always have to play the hero?!

"Stupid deku"
I mumble into his hair, once green and soft, now red and clumped together, matted with blood and sludge. It's gross but I don't care. I hold him closer trying to warm his body with my own holding onto my own delusional fantasy where the warmth brings him back to life. I would place pressure on his wounds but there are too many.. all this time I was the useless one. He played the hero he always dreamed of and I just watched from the sidelines.

"Guess I am the deku after all".

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