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That night, I slept peacefully. I felt proud of myself for speaking up. But the next day, I was abruptly awakened by something cold splashing all over my body. I instantly woke up and rubbed my eyes, sneezing repeatedly. As I looked up, I met my father's furious gaze and his expression was icy and wrathful.

"How dare you?" he seethed, gripping my wet hair tightly and looming over me menacingly.

"You dare to ruin my reputation?" His voice was laced with venom as he pulled my hair so fiercely that strands fell to the floor.

"You thought I would let this slide easily?" He chuckled darkly and slammed the bedside lamp against the wall with force.

I winced in pain, trying my best not to shed a single tear. My eyes burned, and I felt utterly helpless. I grabbed his hand and tried to push him away, but he was much stronger than me.

Hearing the noises, mom, Ellie, and Bella rushed to the door. Their horrified faces only made me feel even more powerless.

"I have made my decision, and it will be carried out," he declared, his words dripping with malice as he spat on me before finally releasing my hair and storming out of the room.

"Leave," he commanded my mother, and they all hurried downstairs.

A week passed, and my father returned home from Washington. His absences were the only times I could move freely. He warned me countless times about what he would do, but those threats were just as empty as this one. I really hope he doesn't come around and say he wants me dead.

Mom was waiting at the entrance for father, while Bella and I were munching on cookies and watching Netflix shows. We quickly cleaned up and reached the entrance to welcome father when we heard the car honk outside.

As father got out of the car, he wasn't alone this time. Another man stepped out and joined him. Mother hurried down and hugged father, who reciprocated the gesture for appearances' sake. My sisters and I greeted him as expected by lovely daughters. The newcomer followed father closely sticking beside him like some chewing gum.

Bella and Ellie exchanged puzzled glances.

"Who's the handsome gentleman?" Bella nudged us earning glares from Ellie and me.

"Maybe the grim reaper," I quipped, stifling our laughter. Father and the man halted in our hallway. "Seb, this is my wife," father began, but the man cut him off, "Yes, Lady Sofia, you've mentioned her countless times, Mr. Laurent. I won't forget her name until my judgment day." He smirked at father before turning to us.

"These are my daughters. Eleonor," Ellie shook his hand respectfully.

"This is Isabella," but Bella merely waved which made her earn an angry glare from father.

"And this is Hazel." He lifted his eyes and locked with me a mischievous smirk spreading on his face as he kissed my knuckles.

I felt uncomfortable and quickly withdrew, mouthing "ew" at him.

"So, this is my beautiful Hazel, just as pretty as her name," he remarked.

"What do you mean?" I blurted out but instantly regretting it as father shot me a disgusted glare.

"This is Sebastian Harrison," father explained, patting his shoulder in appreciation.

"The one and only son of Richard Harrison," a name I'd often heard in the news and newspapers. He was some sort of US Senator, though politics wasn't my forte, and I had no clue about what that meant.

The room fell silent for a few moments before father spoke up. "Hazel, you remember I mentioned something last week," he gave me a questioning look as if I didn't already know what he meant. "I've arranged your marriage."


Am I supposed to be happy?


Dancing like a crazy person all around the house?

A freaking marriage?

My whole body froze. I couldn't process what he just said. A marriage where I'll be tied to some stranger forever, forced to have his babies without my consent, and endure his torture without any say? Nah, a big NO.

"A marriage?" I finally managed to find the strength to utter those two words.

"Yes," father said, patting the ugly frog's shoulder as if he had won a war. I wanted to say something, maybe protest, but my words got stuck in my throat.

"Ellie, my dear, your marriage can wait a few days, I hope," father said in his fake a little sweet voice which still sounded cold, looking at my elder sister. She just stood there and nodded.

"Fine," father said, and for the first time in my whole life, I heard him appreciating me.

"My dear daughter is really excited about marrying a respectable bachelor, right, dear?" I wasn't shocked, I was paralyzed hearing those words.

Was it really my father?

No, absolutely not.

He couldn't be saying this.

God, please bring my father back because I can't handle these words.

"Sebastian will be staying at our home for a week, and then we'll discuss the dates," father said firmly, then turned to mom. "Sofia, let's make sure our own son feels comfortable in his own house."


Own son?

His house?

These things were too hard for me to accept. I simply excused myself and went up to my room.

In about few days I would marry a man I hardly knew. I hadn't left my room since I heard those words. I have a long way to go, I can't just get married and ruin all my dreams and ambitions.

I couldn't concentrate on anything. I hope I don't have a heart attack. I was pacing back and forth, biting my nails and blaming myself for everything.

Mom came and just told me I had to get ready by seven. Hades, Harrison and Laurent are going to make a big new deal tonight that will surely start another world war.

Today the dates for mine and Ellie's wedding will be set and we'll both get married like in a fucking sad periodic movie where the poor daughter marries a rich man and lives a horrible life. "Grrrh" I ruffle my hair and just jump on the bed to clear my head. I want to cry.

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