Meeting the strange boy in the woods

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Once upon a time, there was a story about a young woman who fell in love with a dragon prince. The tale takes place in a small village nestled in a forest. In a modest home within this village, a woman gives birth to a baby girl. After the final push, the doctor cleans the baby and hands it to the mother. "She is so beautiful," the mother exclaims while wiping away tears. The father tenderly touches the baby's head and smiles at the mother. "You did an excellent job, Darling," he says. "What will you name her?" asks the doctor. Both the mother and father look at each other and then back at the baby. "Her name will be Eve," they declare. The doctor notes down the information and leaves the new parents with their child.
Five years later, Eve chases after a butterfly she saw in the backyard. When she loses sight of it, she panics. She followed a butterfly into the mythical forest and heard a noise coming from a nearby bush. She quickly turned around, walked towards it, and moved through the bush to see what was inside. A boy with short, fluffy brown hair, and bright emerald eyes stood holding onto a shiny, gold-like yellow garnet. However, there was something unusual about the boy: he had small horns coming out of his head, resembling nubs, and a tail. Eve spoke to him in a soft tone, asking why he was in the forest. Her hazel eyes shone with curiosity as she looked into his eyes. As the boy cautiously approached Eva, he was taken aback by her lack of fear. He took a few hesitant steps towards her and whispered, "I live here...". The small boy was visibly shorter than Eva. She smiled warmly and responded, "Really? I live around here too. I live in that small village. Are you new, perhaps? I have never seen you around the village before..."
Eva took a small step towards him and gently grabbed his hands in hers. She introduced herself with excitement, "My name is Eva! What's yours?" The thought of making a new friend around her age filled her with joy, as the boys in her village were usually quite rude. They liked to throw rocks at people's windows or even at people.
The boy was a little confused, "My name?...why would you want my name?" Eva playfully rolled her eyes at him and placed her hand on her hip. "Well, to be friends, Dummy! I want to know what to call you," she spoke with a sassy tone. The boy giggled at her response and shook his head. "Fine, my name is Evan." Eva smiled as he gave her his name. "See, that wasn't that hard now, was it?" Evan nodded his head, feeling pleased to have made a new friend. There was silence in the air for a bit before Eva spoke, "Why are you carrying a yellow garnet?.. If you don't mind me asking," Eva was curious about why he was holding a gem in his hands. "I plan on putting it in my hoard." Eva was confused about what a hoard is and why he would want crystals in his hoard. "What a hoard?..." Evan paused for a bit, debating if he should tell her, "It's a stock or store of money or valued objects. I have gold in my hoard and some other stuff. My mother said that it is normal for me to be attracted to anything shiny and would want to collect it." Eva nodded for a bit "Maybe I should start on my hoard then.." the young girl grabbed his hand and smiled at him "How about we go head to the village? we can have some hot chocolate to warm ourselves up!" Eva dragged him toward the village, unaware of what was going to happen once they both stepped into the village...

Hello everyone! I hope you will enjoy this story!! I haven't been posting any stories lately due to school :( (Btw I was typing this whole page while I was in my computer class ;-; and in other classes, my teacher found out about this story and is encouraging me to continue with this story.)

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