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Me and Taylor was getting her stuff ready to head to forks, I knew she would go with me.
She has this older sister vibe.

"I still don't like the idea of going to that little ass town." Taylor huffed as she slammed her trunk closed.
I shrug "it's nice when you get over all the rain and gloomy like days and the vampires and werewolves and the sad human who's vampire left her to die." I folding my arms.

"Yeah sounds like such a great town can't wait to make it a home." Taylor walks away.

I was about to follow when I heard nosies from the bushes.

I could feel a presence,someone is here and watching me.
I shift quickly and run to the bushes running into something hard.
We roll down a small hill and crash into a tree.
I recover quickly and growl shaking.

The wolf gets up shaking its fur out before I recognize who it is.
"Paul?." I step closer and the wolf looks up at me confirming who I thought it was.
"Man you didn't have to attack me like that." He glares at me and huff.
I mentally roll my eyes before walking up to him and rubbing against him.
"I'm sorry. It's your fault though, why were you watching me like a creep and not making yourself known." He tilts his head at me.

"Because I didn't wanna expose myself to whoever that girl is." He says and I nod.
It makes sense I guess.
"It's okay she knows, she's a jaguar shifter like me." I tell him.

"Wait really I thought you were the only one?."

"Guess not now that I met her." We shift back and I changed clothes and noticed he had some clothes with him.
"How did you know where to find me?."

"I caught your scent and then I was able to feel you." He answers making me rise an eyebrow.
"Not like that like mentally since we've been in each other's head you know." I nod slowly still confused but decided to let it go.
"Still doesn't explain why your here?."

"To bring you back home, Charlie has gone crazy not knowing where you are and Jacob ha-." I cut him off "I don't want to hear about Jacob he rejected me so there's no point in him trying to be in my business." He huffs

"Can you two just stop being so stubborn and kiss and whatever." He rolls his eyes waving his hands around for dramatics.

"Look Paul we all know I feel about Jacob I never really kept it a secret but now that he knows and has told me out his mouth that he doesn't feel that way for me it doesn't matter anymore I'm not going to crash and burn and be like Bella, I refuse to make him my whole life."

Paul Didn't say anything for a second as we walked side by side.
"Ken I love you and I love Jacob like a brother even if he's slow and gets on my nerves chasing after leech lover but have you ever took the time to actually look and think that maybe you are like Bella." I stop walking and snap my head to him.
"No way am I like Bella we have nothing alike."

"Listen you ran all the way to Canada and you don't even wanna hear me mention his name and honestly you don't look to good and you been going on and on about how he hurt you, maybe try to look at all point of views here, maybe Jacob is scared to love you and is hiding with this obsession with Bella or maybe the love Bella has for the leech is similar to the imprint bond we have you never know." He says and I look at him like he's crazy.

Since when had Paul tried to understand anyone's point of view or care about someone else feelings?. Is he okay?.

"Paul that was....wow, I never heard you talk like that are you okay?." I put my hand up to his forehead to check his temperature and he pushed my hand away making me laugh.
"I'm fine I just been sitting listening to Emily to much and hearing Leah in my head to many girls around." He shrugs.

"You named two girls but yeah to many." I chuckle.
"But maybe you're right honestly I was so mad and hurt that I kept running and didn't pay attention to where I was going till I came here and met Taylor."

"I have to get back but be safe and come home." He hugs me and I cuddle closer to him loving the warm embrace we are sharing.
I pull away and look into his eyes.
"Why couldn't I have imprinted on you?." I whisper before I close the gap between us and kiss him
Paul pulls away and shakes his head.
"You don't mean that, you just have to push pass this hard point in your life but your meant for Jacob not me." He kisses my cheek and steps back away from me and runs off shifting as he goes.

"What a waste of good clothes." I jump as I turn around and see Taylor standing there with her arms crossed and a smirk on her face as she leans against a tree.

"How long have you been standing there?."

"Long enough to see that hot ass kiss you two shared, made me want to join in." She said and I shake my head at her foolishness.

"Shut up and let's finish packing your stuff up." I walk past her.

"Okay but I don't know seems you moved on from jakie boy and onto what's his name?."


"Paul right the one who came all the way here to make sure little ole you was okay, how sweet." Taylor laughs as she starts walking to the cabin.
I roll my eyes for like the hundredth time today and follow after her.

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