A special secret

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Jisung POV

Coloured lights flashed around me and the loud music echoed. The air was filled with the sickeningly sweet scent of perfume making it even harder to breathe adding to the burden of all the bodies rubbing around me. I just knew I never should've come here in the first place.

I made my way, pushing past the people in the way, and sat down on a chair. Sighing as I rest my head on my palms. A house party, what the hell was I thinking. The only reason I accepted to go to  this stupid party was because of my best friend, who was now grinding on some short buff man. God, Felix couldn't get enough of these parties.

I decided to message Felix that I was going before leaving and deciding to walk home.It was pitch black outside and a chilly breeze made a shiver go down my spine and a grin made its was up my face. This is the real party, out all alone in the dead of night,not knowing who could take you.
I made my way home passing a couple sketchy people but nothing that interesting, eventually the smile faded as nothing was happening. Well nothing until I realised I had made it to the alleyway. I had never been down this ally though I had heard lots of crimes had been happening here, murders, rapes etc.

I made my way down the alleyway,grin reappearing on my face as I heard something fall behind me. I quickly changed my expression into a worried, confused one. I turned around and I saw a dark silhouette standing in the shadows.Showtime.

I stepped back pretending to trip over my feet as I 'scrambled' away. The man started to chase me and I felt a rush of adrenaline pump through me. I looked back and realised he had a pocket knife, even better.

I grabbed my own knife out of the band on my waist and quickly turned around,throwing the knife in his direction.His whole body froze and he fell back, the knife had gone into his stomach. He was very much alive and kicking just too hurt to move.

I stood over him grabbing a smaller knife out from my waist band and brought it up to his face.My heart was still pumping. His lips moved but no sound came out.
"Huh?" I said acting like I cared what he thought.
" you bitch!" He spat on me and that was the final straw I yanked the knife out of his stomach and plunged it into his eye. A loud, but short, scream burst out of him before he stopped moving completely.
There was blood on my outfit so I wrapped my coat around myself and walked back to my dorm.
My adrenaline rush was calm now and I knew I was sorted until tomorrow.

I walked into the dorm dumping my shoes at the doorway before waddling off to my room. I changed into my comfy primark pjs before jumping in bed and falling dead asleep.
What an adventurous day.

Thanks you all for reading! I hoped you enjoyed and I will be back in maximum a week with the next chapter.
this was NOT proof read so my apologies if it's a bit messy xx

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