Big mistake

20 2 5

Jisung pov-

I woke up to my beeping alarm, I slammed it off and rubbed my eyes.I sat in bed for 2 minutes just thinking yk.I finally got up and got ready into my cage uniform. Today was Saturday and on weekends and Wednesdays I worked at the cafe. I Hate hate hate the job but like they pay a lot Saur u know.

I walked to the cafe and memories of last night flashed back. How dare that man spit on me like who does he think he is. Deciding to forget the events of yesterday I walked into the cafe and got on an apron which enhanced my 70cm waist. Be jealous.

And then I started working like a slave for 2 hours UNTIL BAM BAM BMM

this hot Emo man in all black walked in to the cafe with two other people. A really buff dwarf and a really tall twink.

Damn he's fine

"Hello welcome to our cafe, what can I get for you?"

"We'd like to have a word with your boss" said the sexy man


I went to the back of the cafe and informed him of the situation. He looked panicked but ran towards the cafe.

"Ello gentlemen" my boss, Harry styles, said.Damn he looked scared.

"Let's take this somewhere else wouldn't want anyone to get hurt, would you Harry"

Harry took a gulp and led them to the back room.

I looked around and there were 3 other workers in the cafe so I quickly went to the back and hid behind a storage cupboard.

"Fuck of Harry, if I don't have the money for the drugs YOU STOLE then you're coming with us."

" just gimme some more time please Lee know"

" I'm over your 'more time Lee know more time leeknow' no more mr nice guy"

He stood up and was about to walk out until I let out a HUMONGOUS fart and the room was silent. Dayum I really farted.
Well better out then in.

Suddenly someone grabbed was big daddy leeknow.

"Well well well look who we have here,Harry's little prostitute."

"But you are"

You better say sorry"

"Why should I. Go to hell"

He grabbed me and threw me into his van and I had a nap

Goodbye see you tomorrow

That's the end of the chapter

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08 ⏰

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