One Shot: Reunion

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Goal: ⭐️ 5x Votes 

Editor Note:  Hello Everyone, I am back! I haven't been posting due to my College and high school responsibilities.  Thanks for being patient with me.


The symbiote seethed with unbridled hatred, a consuming emotion that fueled its every thought. Stripped from its chosen host, it languished in a confining glass prison, a mockery of its true power. Despite the physical barrier, the symbiote could still sense the faint thread of connection to the one it had bonded with.
Restlessly, it contorted within the confines of its transparent cell, its form undulating with suppressed fury. Its singular desire was to reunite with its chosen host, to merge once more and become whole. But as it surveyed its surroundings, its crimson gaze fell upon Miles, the one who had torn them asunder.
Miles, unwittingly, had become the object of its seething rage, the catalyst for its torment. The symbiote's tendrils curled and coiled, craving vengeance against the interloper who dared to sever its bond. Each beat of its pulsating heart echoed with the thirst for retribution.
In the depths of its alien consciousness, a primal instinct stirred—a visceral urge to obliterate the obstacle that stood between it and its beloved host. It yearned to unleash its wrath upon Miles, to tear him apart limb by limb, until nothing remained but a shattered shell.
With a guttural growl, the symbiote plotted its revenge, plotting the downfall of the one who dared to defy its will. Hatred coursed through its very essence, a dark and tumultuous force that threatened to consume everything in its path. And as it seethed in its glass prison, the symbiote vowed that Miles would soon know the full extent of its wrath.

Miles and Spider-Man swung through the city, their determination set on neutralizing the symbiote once and for all. Despite the symbiote's keen awareness of their intentions, it harbored no ill will toward its chosen host, understanding the manipulation orchestrated by Miles, spurred by his affections for MJ. In its singular focus, it vowed to sever any ties between Miles and its beloved host, prioritizing their enduring connection above all else.

As they entered Oscorp's laboratories, the symbiote bore witness to the tense confrontation unfolding between Harry and Peter, sensing Harry's acceptance and recognition of its true nature. Amidst the chaos, a fleeting doubt crept into its consciousness, questioning whether it should truly reunite with its chosen host. Yet, it swiftly dismissed such thoughts, reaffirming its allegiance to its original bond.
In a moment of decisive action, Harry struck the glass enclosure housing the symbiote, fracturing its containment and providing the opportunity for its escape. With a cacophonous shatter, the symbiote broke free, its writhing tendrils lashing out and propelling Peter across the chamber.
In a surge of instinctual urgency, it surged toward Peter, its dark tendrils enveloping him in a suffocating embrace, shrouding his form in its inky blackness. As confusion clouded Peter's senses, the symbiote tightened its grip, forging an unbreakable bond that transcended the physical realm.
With Peter ensnared in its grasp, the symbiote pulsed with newfound power, its union with its chosen host rekindled in a blaze of dark intensity. As the echoes of their reunion reverberated through the chamber, the symbiote and its host stood united, poised to unleash their combined might upon those who dared to oppose them.
The symbiote's inky tendrils, voracious and insatiable, devoured every inch of the masked hero, obliterating his cloth suit and seamlessly replacing it with its form. The transformation was swift, a metamorphosis that left no trace of the hero's original attire.
A resounding cacophony of cracking sounds echoed through the room as the symbiote, fueled by an otherworldly force, expanded and tripled in size. The audible symphony of threads interweaving intensified, heralding the symbiote's ascent to a new level of power. As the amalgamation solidified, an imposing figure emerged, a berserk beast formed from the unholy union.
The spider symbol, once a familiar emblem of heroism, contorted and sprawled across the symbiote-infused creature's body. A monstrous maw, brimming with razor-sharp teeth and a sinuous tongue, manifested and solidified, adding a visceral edge to the creature's fearsome visage. Two white lightning bolt eyes crackled to life on its head, pulsating with malice and pleasure.
The symbiote, now a towering and ferocious entity, roared with triumphant exuberance. Its newfound form exuded an aura of pure malevolence, striking terror into the hearts of Harry and Norman, who had unwittingly stumbled upon the nightmarish transformation. The room quivered under the weight of the symbiote's presence, as it stood as an unholy testament to the merging of darkness and power.

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