The Devils Daughter - Carl💨

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Word count: 4k

Warning(s):nudity(?) fluff

You're the daughter of what some may call the devil, except you're quite the opposite. You meet a long haired boy and a war comes along. Do you chose your monster of a father or your possible future with this boy?


I woke up later than usual. My door opened revealing my dad. "Get up sweet pea, you're coming to handle business." I rolled my eyes. "Five more-" I started saying covering my face with my cover and rolling over. "Nope!" He snatched the cover off of me. I groaned.

"Fine, at least give me five to get dressed damnit." He smiled at me and hung that stupid thing over his shoulder. I put on a white crop top, ripped flared jeans that hug my legs, brown jacket, and black boots. I put my gun in my holster along with my knife on my boot. I opened my door to see my dad against the wall. "Took ya long enough, let's go." I rolled my eyes.

We headed outside and got in the car.

(Roughly 30 minutes later)

We pulled outside of a gate. Which, was pretty darn big. The gate opened and he motioned for me to get out the car. I opened the door and dropped down, my dark brown hair blowing in the light wind. "Well hello Rick!" I crossed my arms over my chest. I know what he does and I didn't like it much but it kept us alive plus he was my dad. "You weren't supposed to be back til next week." I assumed the one who spoke was Rick. "Well," he stretched his arms out, "I'm here now so I need things, now."

I scanned the people and saw a pretty boy. Long brown hair, icy blue eye, and an eye patch? I looked at him, a bit interested, he locked eyes with me. I winked at him and his cheeks turned a light pink. "Dad, I want that." I pointed towards the boys hat. "Then take it princess."

I walked up to him and reached my hand out towards his head but he backed away. I smirked at him. "You heard my dad, so give it." I leaned towards his ear and whispered seductively, "pretty boy." I picked it off his head and put it on mine. "Look at my pretty girl, taking after her daddy."

"I'm nothing like you, shut up." He looked taken back. "I'm worse." I smiled and walked away towards the houses. "And she asserts her dominance ain't that just something Rick." He just stood there. "Now hold her will ya?" He handed Lucille towards Rick and he holds it.

I went into a house that I found pretty. I went inside and upstairs. I started walking into a room til I heard the cries of a baby. I turned the other way, opened the door, and found a pretty baby girl. I smiled to myself thinking back to my niece before all this. I picked her up and she stopped crying. I started playing with her til I heard a gun click. "Put her down."

I did and turned around. "Oh, hi pretty boy." He shook slightly as I walked towards him, the gun right at my chest. I bucked forward at him and he dropped the gun. I laughed and kept walking towards him til he bumped into the wall. "You want your hat back?" He nodded slowly like he didn't know if it was wrong of him or not.

I leaned towards his ear. "You gotta give me something in return then. My hand went up to his chest, trailing down to his waist band til I stopped. His breathing got heavy and I scoffed. I took it off my head and put it on his. "You probably look better with it either way.

I put my hand back on his chest and leaned forward. I knew it was wrong but something drew me to him. Maybe his eye, the display is soft but the trauma behind it is heavy and I can relate to it. He closed his eye. "You probably shouldn't do that," he said. "Just shut up." I leaned back and he opened his eye.

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