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Word count:1.45k


Girls(and guy🫥)I finally made a fluff for Carl and, and, it's more than 600 words...Ik ik it's a first😔anyway love you girlies(and guys...ok I'm being petty) next story will be a smut or angst


Bold italics-thoughts to self
Italics-flash back
Regular-current time
•regular bold•-time skip
____-current time jump


There was this boy, Carl. I hadn't talked to him directly but he was sweet. He just arrived to Alexandria a few weeks ago at this point. He didn't talk to me but he'd smile at me. Although I got shy and turned away. I had no confidence plus Enid was always on his back.

The only guy my actual age, everyone else a year or two older and perverts. But Carl, he was something else. He was comforting, anyway I got to show him and his dad around. Rick was definitely intimidating but I got to know him and he was actually nice.

I decided to do my hair that day, I curled it and put it in a mid ponytail with butterfly clips. I hadn't used them since my older sister did my hair years ago. I smiled thinking of her. It's been years.

I put on some shorts since it was hot outside and a tank top with a flannel, and my usual shoes. I grabbed my messenger bag and headed out the door.

Since I didn't live too far down it only took me 4 minutes.

I knocked on the door and Carl opened it. My mind immediately went blank. "Hi..?" "Oh, y/n, sorry I never told you." He chuckled. I might've be desperate but who wouldn't be. "It's ok, it's my fault for not talking to you, anyway come in. As usual my father's still making sure Judith is ok." I smiled.

I heard footsteps coming downstairs. I looked up and it was Rick but also Enid with Judith in her hands. "Well, I'm ready now that I know Judith is ok." I smiled at him then looked at Enid. She just glared at me, why did she hate me?

"Ok let's go." I turned around and open the door with the two guys following me behind me.

I showed them around the main part then Rick had to go with Dianne. Why? I have no clue. "Um there's one more place I wanna show you but you can NOT tell anyone ever." "Ok I won't." He replied. "You promise?"


"Ok I'll have to show you later at night tho. Cause it's over the walls." He looked shocked. "You go over the walls? You're not supposed to, it's too dangerous. What if you-" I covered his mouth. "You're already doing a bad job of not telling anyone by the way you're freaking out." I pointed around us.


"I'll come by to get you at midnight. Bye!" I waved at him and ran home.

Wow, I actually touched him...what is wrong with me.? Fucking idiot. I face palmed myself. I got undressed and took a shower. I got out and changed into an oversized shirt and put some shorts on. While waiting until midnight I just drew.

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