Prey and Predator | TSAMS Oneshot

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Characters: Bloodmoon, some random character who gets killed off instantly, BUT BEFORE THAT WITH SOME IMPACT XD

AU: I guess??? qwq And there is a headcanon btw of mine also :D

Genre: Does violence count as a genre? QwQ AND YEAH THERE'S VIOLENCE, what do y'all expect when there's the lil' gremlin Bloodmoon in the chapter? >:D


ANYWAY, enough of my shitty backstory, LET'S GET THIS SHIT ROLLIN' >:D (Sry that there came nothing for quite some time actually, but I had a GODDAMN writer's block :'D)


[CONTENT WARNING - Graphic depictions of violence, and power dynamics! If you're sensitive to any of those topics, avoid reading this text!!!]

Lights flickered to the rhythm of the approaching footsteps, marked with the soft chiming of the bells, adorning the red bracelet dangling lifelessly around his wrist. The humming of machinery, muffled yet relentless, intertwined with the sinister chuckles and giggles, carrying along the sing-song speeches of Bloodmoon.

"Naïve sheep, stupid rat. Too innocent to fight, but too fearful to play!" Bloodmoon's voice pierced the air like a blade, the play of his fingers around the knife serving as an ominous backdrop.

"Please... please let me go." Traces of fear accompanied the person's whispery plea, followed by the trembling of their body. Fresh Injuries soaked their cloths wet with the metallic smell of blood, the streaks of the crimson liquid flowing along the outlines of their shaking fingertips until raining down the floor, bathing their shoes in the red stream.

"Oh, why already?" Bloodmoon came closer, throwing the knife at the air and snatching it with a swift arc of his hand while tilting his head playfully to the right, "Come on, don't ruin the fun!"

Playing with the weapon with a ship-like elegance, he manoeuvred it to each of his fingers, letting it slide to the gabs between them until he let it lifelessly swinging between his fingertips. The person's eyes dartled to the environment, the straining of their muscles prompting them to bite their lips. They tugged at the rough rope which wrapped itself around them, making them tied to the chair in which they were uncomfortably shifting.

However, their body recoiled with an instinctive leaning back.

Bloodmoon's eyes stared into their very soul. Due to the sudden clutching of the animatronic's hands around the armrests of the person's chair, a loud thud resonated through the room, leaving his prey on edge.

With the glow in Bloodmoon's eyes intensifying, the predatory animatronic leaned forward, only inches away from the person's face. The intense crimson glow illuminated the person's face, revealing beads of cold sweat collecting on the victim's chin, together with their clattering jaw opening and closing. By narrowing his eyes and dimming the glow, the darkness wrapped once more their malicious claws around the room.

A jerk-like motion of tilting his head, coupled with sinister chuckles, resulted into the person attempting to avoid Bloodmoon's presence through the fixating of their gazes to the blood-streaked floor.

Suddenly, Bloodmoon snatched their head with a vice-like grip of his hands, drilling his claws into the cheeks' flesh to assure immobility. A painful scream emitted from their chattering jaw, and the feeling of a burning, crimson liquid strolling down their cheeks. However, a forceful tightening of Bloodmoon's grip muffled their cries.

Yet, the gabs between his fingers allowed them to take gasps inbetween, as if still wanting to hear their suffering. The animatronic's grin widened, the sharp angles stretching further as he placed the knife closer to the person's face, spinning the weapon around his fingers. With their heart pounding in their chest, mixing with their erratic breaths, they attempted to break free from the grip around their head with wild-like movements.

However, a violent act of jerking their head to the right caused them to swiftly disorientate, the reinforcemt of every possible resistance being out of reach represented. Suddenly, a cold sensation clashed against their cheek, drawing a thick swallow and shivering shoulders. The knife's edge pressed against their throat, leading to a feeling of suffocation.

With one tiny move, either from them or Bloodmoon, blood would be drawn, and their fate would be dark.

"Pathetic rabbit, cowardly about their fate," Bloodmoon whispered in rhymes with his predatory instincts heightening, "But you hurting children is distasteful, so choosing mercy is too late."

Another laughter, sinister and loud, pierced through the air, together with the distressing sound of Bloodmoon's grip tightening. Sobs escaped the trembling victim, directing their head upward to desperately create distance between them and the sinister weapon. However, their despair resulted into an unsuccessful attempt.

"I... I'm sorry-"

"LIAR!" Bloodmoon full-blown screamed with the conclusion of unhinged, desperate laughter, echoing through the room. Coupled with a sense of an upredictable eeriness, Bloodmoon chuckled with a sinister, yet conflicted delight, his eyes reflecting a touch of desperation.

Then, his claws burrowed further into the person's flesh of their cheeks, fueled with heightened aggression and disgust towards his prey. With a bitter chuckle, Bloodmoon leaned deeper forward, locking eye contact with his prey.

Although they attempted to avoid his piercing gaze, Bloodmoon's violent grip around their head forced them to comply, causing them to look directly into their tormentor's face. Stretching and twitching, the corners of his wide grin indicated of... inner turmoil. His gaze scanned the person's face, as if homing in every detail of their expression.

"I will enjoy your pathetic screams, my prey," his tone switched to a rhythmic speech and sadistic delight, yet the conflicted expression conveyed something deeper within, "Remember the disgusting choices you made."

The person's desperate pleas pierced through the air, sobs and cries escaping their trembling body. However, the sound of flesh being cut, liquid splattering, and Bloodmoon's laughter served as a reminder of their fate.



WHAT THE F*CK DID I JUST WRITE??? 😭 Idk if I should question my imagination, see a psychologist or be proud of the text- 😅

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