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     In a fight, there is always a second after someone makes there move, that everything just stops. And then you make your move and everything speeds up again. When May attacked me this time, nothing stopped.

     While I had been staring down at Arrow, May had whipped out her shorthand sword. Now I had fought enough with May to know that she always lightly stepped forward with her left foot and then jabbed. I knew that she never sliced. So at least I had an advantage. She took her step forward and I leaped into the air and above her head. I did a perfect flip over her and landed right behind her. Not even a breath later she had whipped around. At one point, I was being sloppy and got poked in the stomach. I shut out the pain and kept going. When Arrow saw me get stabbed he jumped up behind me and tried to pull me away. I got so confused and accidentally on purpose cut his cheek. It was a tiny scratch, and May was so worried about him that I was able to knock her onto the ground and take her short sword at the same time.

     I threw the short sword into the dirt by her neck and luckily, I had barely nicked her neck. I heard a grunt behind me and knew Althea was here, so I did a back flip and landed perfectly on her massive back. I gave May a dirty but smug look and then turned to Arrow. He was looking at me with the saddest eyes I had ever seen. The blood from the cut had dried up and I could see the jagged reminder I would have to deal with for the rest of my life. I threw him one last pleading look and then nudged Althea to move on.

     We flew over the tree tops, but this time I shooed the Nixx away. I leaned down into Althea's warm fur and just stayed there. I stayed there until I felt us starting to tip slightly upwards. I looked around and saw we were climbing higher into the sky. That meant we were almost to my second home. I know your probably wondering, okay well she's showing us her second home before her first. And the truth is, my first home is filled with hatred and wounds. My second home isn't.

     We flew higher and higher until finally we were at the top of the mountain. I scrambled down and hurriedly unlocked the door that lead into my cave. All of the other houses were on the beach, and no one knew about my other house. This time I had the Nixx cover me and Althea until we got under cover. I stepped into the cave and breathed a sigh of relief. In the left corner was Althea's massive bed, which she immediately curled up on. In the far right corner was my bed and a book shelf. In the middle of the floor was a hidden door that led down to the storage room and kitchen.

     The night was just starting to fall, so I whispered to the Nixx to light the candles. Pretty soon there soft glow filled the room and a sense of peace fell over me. I curled up on my bed and stared at the ceiling. I heard the click of Althea's toes on the cave floor and grinned to myself. I felt the weight of her body as she clambered into the bed with me. She curled up beside me and let out a couple snorts. I always called it the double snort sigh because she would always do a double snort and let it out in one big huff of breath. I knew that once she did that she would be asleep almost instantly.

     I rolled into her side and let out a breath to. How can a perfect day turn bad almost instantly? I had basically ruined everything with everyone. May was now an enemy (definitely not good), Arrow would never forgive me ( or maybe he would, I don't know he's weird) and to top it all off I kept having the Vision.

     I had been having the Vision for about 3 days now when I was sleeping. Always the same thing. I would get on the boat and speed farther away from this island. I would bend down to reach the water, and I would always fall in. Except, this last time I had actually fallen in real water. I thought about who I was as a person and who I was as a spirit. I know that as a person I am complicated, strong and sometimes arrogant. As a spirit I was like the wind, fast paced and undecided, never knowing were I was going, instead just knowing that I had to get there.

     I let out a huge rattling yawn, and against my will closed my eyes. The muffled pre-dream thoughts rattled around in my head until I shut everything down and slept.


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