Marriage ?

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Featuring Zoya ,Kabir ,Rudra ,palki 

Zoya glanced at her reflection with a mix of anticipation and anxiety, a flutter in her heart. "Do I look okay? Is everything perfect? Because today, I'm taking the leap – I'm going to propose to him."

She turned, seeking confirmation, "Hey, give it to me straight – how do I look?"

As Palki worked her magic on Zoya's hair, she reassured with a confident grin, "Anybody would be knocked off their feet at the sight of you. Don't fret about it. When you ask him, it's going to be a definite 'yes'. With your beauty, your grace, your youth, and that sizzle – who could possibly say no? It would take a madman to turn you down, and he's anything but mad. Relax, today you're going to dazzle him – show him stars in the middle of the day."

Zoya, with a mock scowl, warned, "Quiet, or you'll jinx it! But seriously, he's going to say 'yes', isn't he? We've been together for four years; he's my college sweetheart, he adores me. Today, he's going to say 'yes' to marriage, won't he? Why the silence... What's with that look? Tell me!"

Palki, with a gentle smile, replied, "Why the fear, Zoya? He's going to accept, no need to be nervous. I know it's usually the guy who asks..."

Zoya interjected, her tone a fierce mix of resolve and introspection, "That's just it. He should be the one popping the question, right?" She sighed, a little exasperated. "But what's a girl to do? Dad's on my case, pushing marriage like it's a daily chore. Suitors coming to the doorstep, one after the other – how many can I turn away? Now, I've run out of excuses. If I do not propose to him now, the guy would have to show up to my wedding, but as a guest bearing gifts. He's clueless, a bona fide duffer."

Palki nodded, adding her bit with a smirk, "You hit the nail right on the head. The reasons you've given Dad are priceless – 'His nose is too crooked,' 'Dad  he doesn't look good in photos,' 'He drinks tea, and I'm all about coffee,' 'I don't like the way he talks.' Honestly, we could write a whole series on this – 'A Thousand Ways to Reject a Suitor.' Ever spared a thought for those poor guys? Their innocent hearts?"

Zoya's laugh was mirthless, tinged with a touch of cynicism. "Love? It was never about that. They were all after the money, trailing behind me because of Dad's wealth. Without him, they wouldn't even bother with a 'hello.' None wanted to get to know me; they were too busy showing off in front of Dad, each one eyeing the dowry, Dad's estate like hungry wolves."

Amidst the hum of the city, Zoya found solace in the thought of her impending rendezvous. Palki, her confidante, teased with a light chuckle, "Off you go then. Don't keep destiny waiting at the café. Time won't pause, and neither should you."

Zoya's heart raced at the mention. "I'm just a step away from forever altering the course of my life," she murmured, more to herself than Palki. "I'll bring him home the moment he says 'yes'. It's high time Dad met the man capable of capturing his stubborn daughter's heart."

The reassuring smile from Palki was all the courage Zoya needed. "You'll be back before your father even knows you're gone."

Her journey to Rudra was a whirl of anticipation. As she stepped out, there he was, an oasis of calm. Their embrace was the coming together of kindred spirits; his kiss on her forehead a silent vow.

"Madam," he teased gently, "Such urgency in your call, it set my heart on edge. But let us catch our breath with a cup of coffee first..."

"No time for that," Zoya interjected, her voice trembling with excitement. "Inside, there's a world waiting just for you."

Rudra, taken aback by her intensity, followed her lead. "Inside? Is today some forgotten anniversary?" he jested, a playful lilt in his tone.

But Zoya, with the grace of a swan, guided him to the door. "Just come. Trust me."

The room they entered was a sanctuary of their love – a symphony of photographs and keepsakes that whispered tales of their shared laughter, dreams, and the silent glances that spoke volumes. A soft ballad, their song, filled the space, wrapping around them like a warm embrace.

Zoya took a breath, her soul bare in her eyes, and knelt before him, her every word a testament to their bond. "Life began anew with you. I've laughed, dreamed, and found strength in your love. Now, I yearn to build a haven that's ours alone. Will you marry me?"

Rudra, moved beyond words, cradled her face, lifting her to stand equal with him. His kiss was a seal of a promise forged in the crucible of their affection. "A thousand times yes. To think, I was preparing to ask you the same. Each time another suitor stepped through your door, a part of me withered in silent torment. But now, with my life taking shape, I want nothing more than to start our forever."

With a ring that seemed to capture the glow of their love, he slid it onto her finger, a perfect fit, as if it were destiny's own design. The exchange was more than a mere tradition; it was a pledge, a merger of souls.

The magic of their proposal wasn't just in the question, or the answer, but in the understanding that their love was a fortress against the world. As they stood there, encircled by the essence of their journey, they knew this was just the prelude to an epic tale of love, a narrative that would be written not in the stars, but in the unwavering beat of their joined hearts.

In the glow of their newfound commitment, Zoya and Rudra locked gazes, their eyes becoming mirrors to their shared history. Each glance was a slideshow of cherished moments: the support they offered each other, their first kiss, the thrilling decision to date, their mischief, their shared dreams – every memory shimmering in their eyes.

With emotions brimming, Zoya whispered, her voice thick with joy, "Be ready tomorrow. It's time to meet Dad, to lay all our cards on the table. We'll set a date for next year. Oh, I'm so happy I could cry."

Rudra, his heart swelling in his chest, assured her, "Don't worry, I'll be there. I've got work, but I'll speak with my boss for a half-day. I'll come in a blazer, looking sharp. We'll talk to your father and assure him: your daughter is in safe hands now."

They shared a look of understanding, a moment of unspoken promises and shared futures.

Returning home, Zoya's heart was light, buoyant with hope. But as she stepped inside, her heart skipped a beat – the house was filled with people. Her father, with a twinkle in his eye, said, "Look at your future husband."

"What?" she gasped, her mind reeling. Her father playfully pinched her, a signal to show respect, "Bow down to your father-in-law."

Turning, she saw not just her husband-to-be but her in-laws too. "What the..." she muttered, utterly bewildered.

As she processed the shock, she wondered, "What happened in the span I was gone?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03 ⏰

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