As you and Bearclaw went past the ThunderClan borders, you could feel the wind shaking. It was soon time for a Greenleaf storm.

"Oh, we better hurry to see our final grounds. We don't want to get wet in your first day of apprenticeship!" Bearclaw yowled.

You followed him to the south direction, arriving in a muddy-wet spot with a twoleg nest, which seemed old and abandoned.

You followed him to the south direction, arriving in a muddy-wet spot with a twoleg nest, which seemed old and abandoned

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"These are the Fighting Grounds. Every young apprentice trains in this place, this is where you will learn many ShadowClan-unique fighting techniques." Bearclaw purred.

"This twoleg nest was not really meant for exploring, but it became a part of our boundaries. Every cat that comes here knows that this spot is ours." Bearclaw meowed.

"We're almost done, the last place to check is the RiverClan borders. Follow me!"

You follow Bearclaw to the east direction, arriving at a small creek with fish jumping out of it.

"Seems like a ShadowClan warrior and his apprentice came to patrol. I'll obviously deliver that information to Brownstar." A soft voice said.

You looked around, and see a small white she-cat with gray splotches standing on a rock. Her amber eyes are staring at you - she was the size of an apprentice, but you had no doubt she was a warrior.

 Her amber eyes are staring at you - she was the size of an apprentice, but you had no doubt she was a warrior

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"Oh, Splashfreckle. Long time no see, this is (Preffix)paw. It's their first patrol." Bearclaw meowed.

You notice that Bearclaw seemed to be a lot calmer and cautious around Splashfreckle than with Snailtail and Nightingalefur - maybe he was bolder around ThunderClan because he had known them by the age he was an apprentice?

Either way, it's starting to hail, and you should go back to camp soon.

"How's warriorhood going? I still vividly remember you being Splashpaw just one moon ago." Bearclaw asked.

"Good. Brownstar sent me on my first border patrol, and it's quite boring. You can get going, I can protect myself against intruders. Good luck to you and the kit over there."

You wanted to tell Splashfreckle you weren't a kit - you were an apprentice!

"Alright, let's get going, (Preffix)paw. It's about time we get back to the camp now."

Back At Camp

You are all wet, your fur is droppy and Bearclaw simply seems not to care. He was speaking to Hawkstar about the patrol today, and they were discussing a little about a cat called Marshstar. Possibly the leader of WindClan or ThunderClan?

"(Preffix)paw, Hawkstar allowed you to grab something from the freshkill pile. Go eat something and go get along with the older apprentices."

You nodded and went for the freshkill pile. What should you grab?

A) Vole

B) Frog

C) Hare

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