Chapter Four

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"You think I'm a witch? Really?" She asked as if she was dumbfounded but she'd always had a sinking suspicion that she was more than a werewolf. But on the surface she'd never felt like more than a werewolf until now. She'd felt more like a damsel in distress. But now she felt powerful being able to hurt the vampires that harmed her and her sister.

"Yes, it makes perfect sense. And a very powerful witch at that the way you were able to conjure up a wave of power to send the vampires flying backwards." Sofi Devero said from across from me. My sister was sitting next to me while the two vampires in the room, Klaus and Elijah stood in the doorway.

The both of them exchanged worried glances with each other. Olivia didn't know what they could possibly be worrying about. 'Wasn't this a good thing?' she asked herself. "How could I be a witch without witch parents." Olivia asked, returning to the topic at hand.

"You don't know who your parents are. Who's to say your mom or dad wasn't a witch?" Sofi asked. She was right. For better or for worse Olivia was a witch. But Olivia wasn't ready to accept that yet not until she met her real parents. "What does that mean for me and Hayley?" Olivia asked.

"It doesn't mean anything. Just because you're only my half sibling doesn't mean that we're no longer sisters." Hayley told her sister, shutting down the topic all together. "No but it does mean that we don't share the same family." Olivia responded. She didn't know how to tell her sister that she wanted to go off on her own to find her real family.

She still considered Hayley family but she wanted to know more about her blood. She wondered what they'd be like. "That doesn't matter." Hayley said. "We're still family no matter what." Hayley continued. "I know that but I still want to know more about them. My family." Olivia said. "I'm your family." Hayley said.

Hayley was hurt that Olivia seemed to not consider her family anymore. 'Did all those times I stood up for her mean nothing?' she asked herself. "Am I not?" Hayley asked out loud this time. "You are. Of course you are but is it really so bad if I want to know where I came from. After all, isn't that why we were in the bayou?" Olivia asked.

'It was a lot harder to stay mad at Olivia when she was making sense' Hayley thought to herself.  "Fine, whatever. Do what you want." Hayley said getting up. "I'm going to go take a shower." She said going to her bedroom. Olivia stayed seated fighting against the urge to go talk to her sister. After all she did nothing wrong, Hayley was just being unreasonable.

"Should I?" She asked out loud to no one in particular. "No." Klaus said answering her question. "I'll go talk to her." Elijah said leaving Klaus and Olivia alone. Elijah did want to talk to Hayley but he also had ulterior motives as to leaving. He wanted to see how Klaus and Olivia would do alone together.

Klaus still stood in the doorway unsure as to how close he was allowed to get to Olivia. He didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable but at the same time it was so hard when he looked at her not to see his past lover. 'They looked so similar, the same doe like eye, the same black hair, the same-' he stopped his train of thought before he could go any further.

Olivia kept a close eye on him out of the corner of her eye. She couldn't help but fear him even though he did show her some kindness but anyone can do that. He'd have to really prove himself to gain her trust. She did however notice that he was beautiful in his own way. She thought about the way she felt when he grabbed her hand earlier and wondered what it would feel like if he held it.

"Are you okay love?" He asked. She wasn't sure how to respond to that question. Not only because she was in fact not okay and she didn't want to burden him but also because she didn't know how to react to him calling her love. "I bet you say love to a lot of girls." Olivia said trying to change the subject.

"Only the ones I care about." He responded. Olivia turned to look at him unsure if she heard him right. 'He cares about me?' she thought to herself. "Yeah right." Olivia said rolling her eyes. She wasn't about to fall for any of his charms. "I asked you a question remember?" He said sitting next to me making sure to keep a safe distance away. Oh how Olivia wanted to close that distance.

"Yes." Was Olivia's only response. "Yes you remember or yes your okay?" He asked. Olivia shook her head and turned away from him choosing not to respond. "That's not an answer." He said. She glanced at him from the corner of her eyes and once realizing he was still staring at her looked away. "I don't have to answer any of your questions." Olivia said hoping that would deter him.

"You're right you don't but if you answer one of my questions I'll answer one of yours. Deal?" He said holding his hand out. "Fine." She said taking it. She gasped feeling a jolt of electricity when there hands touched. His lips parted and he took his hand away quickly. "Are you okay?" He asked again but this time it felt slightly more intense.

"Yeah, I'm okay." Olivia said speaking softly. "Good. I'm glad." He said standing about to leave. Olivia grabbed his arm before he could go to far. "You promised me an answer." She said. He chuckled lightly and sat back down. "That I did. What do you want to know?" He asked focusing his full attention on her.

She thought about it for a moment and realized there was really only one thing she wanted to know from him. The one thing Elijah wouldn't tell her. "What was I like before?" She asked not entirely sure if he'd actually answer her. "What do you mean?" He asked. He looked down at his hands and then back at her. He didn't strike her as the type to get nervous.

"I mean in 1918. What was I like? How did we meet?" She clarified. She was still wondering if he'd actually answer her but then he got this far away look in his eyes and told the story of them. "You were brave, determined, ambitious. Especially for a woman in that era. You wanted to be a governor, a politician. You wanted to change the world with your words."

"I sound amazing." Olivia said while still starring at him. He was looking away from her now. She could tell he was lost in his memories. "You were. You still are." He said looking at her for a minute. He could feel her gaze on his lips. He smiled at her and leaned closer. She backed away slightly fear coursing through her veins so he retreated as well.

Just then Elijah walked in. "I'm sorry, am I interrupting something?" He asked with a slight smirk to his lips. "No." Olivia said rolling her eyes at him. She didn't know what he thought was happening but she was sure whatever he was thinking was wrong. "Did you need something?" Klaus asked looking to his brother a slight anger seeping into his voice.

"No, but Hayley wishes to talk to you Olivia." He said. "She's out of the shower now." He continued. Olivia didn't want to think to hard about the fact that Elijah was in her sisters bedroom while she was taking a shower so she didn't. "Okay." She said getting up to go talk to her sister.

So that's all I got for this chapter. I apologize if it felt a little bit strange. I kinda have a hard time writing cannon characters sometimes. If anything feels slightly rushed please let me know and I'll slow it down.

Anyway I think that's all I wanted to say. Well except I did want to let you guys to know to expect a chapter or two coming out between now and Valentine's Day.


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