The after math of shibuya

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(One of my fisrt jjk fics Hope you injoy, the reader will be non-binary for the most part more notes will be at the bottom. Enjoy! )

Ino was left unconscious and brutally beaten after his in counter with Toji. his consciousness was fading in and out between breaths as he laid on the floor practically lifeless. "So this is how I go?" He thought to himself almost excepting the fact he'll die until he sees you sees you dashing towards him full speed once you realize the muscler guy with black hair had left.

"Ino!" You shout dropping to your knees looking down at him,bruises and cuts covering his face and body. "I'm not going to let you die like this.." you mumbled throwing him over your shoulder.

"Fuck you've gotten fatter." You said in between breaths trying to keep him conscious. "Ino..say
something please.I-I'll find a healer real soon just hang in there please." You begged running faster and faster like every step could be your last.

"I-I'" He shuttered in between indecisive breaths. You could tell how hard it him to breath with every breath seeming harder and harder. "A healer!"
You eagerly exclaimed looking over your shoulder to see him. Even though you've only know him a few months you already consider him your best friend, he's been there for you at your lowest weather you liked it or not. You never wanted to get close with anyone since the mortality rate in this field is so high but he's crept his way in you're life slowly but surely. You can't picture the world without him.

"Help!"you shout towards the healer accompanied by another sorcerer laid flat on the ground, a young women with a dark brown hair and a bob. The blond man dressed in clad clothing looks up at you with a cold but defeated face. After he stare for a little bit he snaps back to reality and rushes over towards you commanding you around. "Set him down here!" He said firmly taking note of the man's condition.

Immediately you set the the man down and let him do his job. "How long has he been out?" He asked checking his pulse before using his technique on him. "No clue I pretty much found him like this, but I've been carrying him for a bit now." You stammered sitting down beside him moving the hair from his forehead to see his face, thought beaten and bruised it's still Justs as pretty as you remember.

"Do you think he'll be ok?" You questioned looking at the blond hunched over man. "Chances are slim but my technique is working fine right now so it's not zero." He said hovering his hands above Ino. You let out a relived sigh know he at least has a chance to live.

A silent prayer escapes your mouth as you pray to anyone or anything that could help, though your not much of the religious type you'll do anything if it means he'll live. As you sit in the cornor of the rubbled house you watch over him until his eyes flutter open. Your body moves on its own as you jolt over to him. "Ino.." you mumbled as you sat beside him clasping his hand in yours. "Your really awake?" You asked but not expecting much of a response.

He looks at with a pained stare. "His ribs are broken so be careful." The blond man says still hugging his knees in the conor of the room opposite of where you were sitting. You nod and look down at Ino, his gaze meeting yours. "Thank you."he managed to get out in between pained breaths. "I thought you died!" You exclaimed letting out a sigh of relief still holding onto his hand to focused on him to care.

You both sit in silence for a moment before you realize how cuddly you are being towards him. "My bad." You mumbled letting go of his hand a scooting over a feet or two away.he opened his mouth and keeps his hand raised as if he where going to say something but then he decides against it and closes his mouth, his gaze fixed on you.

"How long do you think we'll be in here for?" You asked the blond. You could tell he was uneasy about something with the way he looked out at the decimated roads and buildings, I mean sure anyone would be scared but he's seen something. "For as Long as that barriers up." He said quickly. "I was protecting civilians, what exactly did you see?" You questioned now leaning against the wall below a broken window.

He stays silent for a moment before speaking again. "I don't think we're going to make it out of here.." he said quietly. "I mean Look at you and him, both strong sorcerers a-and,and look at her she was maybe even stronger than the both of you and where is she now?"he said letting out a muffled sob.

You look down at the girl he was referring to, a young girl and a dark dress like suit accompanied with her nice hair cut and huge blooded spot on the right side of her face. "Is that... nobaroa?.." You thought to your self, you knew her or atleast knew of her she was rather capable and strong spirited it's a shame to see her like this.

"That's not going to happen not while I'm here, he's making it out of here and your ganna heal him till then." You seethed looking at him with a scowl. "If you think like your going to die then you will." You scoffed knowing he very well could be correct, she was strong and so where a lot of the other sorcerer's who passed but you won't let Ino die. Now that Nanami's dead he's the closest thing to family that you have in Japan.

"Ino, Ino, Ino" You thought to yourself. "What would you do if you where in my shoes."you pondered looking over at him once again. He was still laid out on the rubble with dust and blood in his hair. His mask bundled up in his pocket. I hold your head between your thighs as you rack your brain for anything that might do you good in this situation. "Fuck." You mumbled letting out a groan of annoyance.

The prissy blond continued to stare off in the distance like it will do something about your current situation until he starts speaking. "We should find cover until the wall brakes." He mumbled dusting off himself before looking around for a place suitable for the lot of you. You walk over to Ino letting out pained grunts as you pick him up, your body tired and sore not to mention the injuries that scatter your lower half.

"Lead the way I'lil follow."you groaned holding Inos limp body over your shoulder.

(If this is really bad I'm so sorry it's been a hot minute since I've wrote but I've had that itch lately to do so. I just want to say I am dyslexic so if words or sentences are jumbled up or written weirdly feel free to tell me! Also if anything doesn't make since like canon im sorry I've only read a bit of the manga and watched the anime. I've been using a friend to fact check for me lol. Chapters will be posted every now and then sorry if it takes some time I'm busy with school.)

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