Idk js chapter 3

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You let out a groan wondering what's going to happen next, when he'll be able to get proper treatment, when this will all be over. After questioning the situation relentlessly Ino awakes and scoots over to you.

"You doing all right?" He grunted looking over at you, he seems to be doing a lot better than the state you found him in the smalls cuts seemed to have started to scab witch is good. "Yea.." you sigh. "Hopefully we'll be able to get out soon." You smiled.

The both of you sit in silence before Ino mumbled something resting his head on his arms. "You wanna go get some ramen after all of this?" He said with a grin pulling his beanie just below his eyes with his thumb, a soft pink started to fill his cheeks. Before you can even speak the barrier burst like a bubble.

"We should get out of here." You mumbled not even acknowledging what he asked moments before. You would have agreed but you have bigger things to worry about. He nods wobbling from one knee to the others throwing his arm out for you. "C'mere" you mumbled helping him up as he lets out stifled grunts of pain.

"God we need to get you to a hospital." You both quickly walked towards the buildings that where safe for the most part. You look around the empty buildings that have been evacuated, it's so strange seeing a place that was once bustling with people and family's seeing now only a few sorcerers here and there waiting by cars, with news reporters making there takes on the situation . "There's a sorcerer over there maybe they'll be able to get us to a safe place." You mumbled looking at Ino.

The both of you walk over to the man in a suit,leaned against the wall as if this whole ordeal bored him. "He needs to get to a hospital." You stated firmly standing a few feet from the car. He rolls his eyes and steps into the car, letting out a sigh Get in." You open the door for Ino setting him inside carefully.

You walk over to the other side of the car and sit beside him as the man speeds off,navigating his way around news reporters and security people. "They got this place pretty secured." Ino mumbled wrapping arms around his abdomen looking out of the window. "Yea."you said flatly not looking for much of a conversation.

"Hey about what I said earlier, would you be interested in getting some food with me?" He says shyly. You let out an annoyed sigh, the last thing you want to be doing is going out right after everyone you know very well could be dead. You place you hand on the back of the driver seat leaning forward. "Have you heard anything about Nanami?" You questioned the driver. He shakes his head before mumbling no.

You rub the bridge of your nose, a pounding headache being the only thing on your mind. He looks back over to you. "So is that is that a no?" He says both embarrassed and confused. "No,no maybe some other time though." You mumbled resting your head on the window of the car.

After a long awkward drive you arrive at the hospital that was just for sorcerer and people wounded by curse's. You help him waddle out of the car and into the building holding him close to you.

The both of you check in and wait in the bleak room, chairs lined up against the wall with the occasional fake plants to brake up the depressing sensory. "Sorry about earlier." You sighed. "I've had a horrible headache since we got in the car."You stated more as an excuse rather than an apology. "No it was stupid of me to ask that considering what all was happening." He said sadly. A part of you couldn't help but agree with him, there where probably a bunch of better times for him to ask that.

"No your fine." You sighed once more. "I mean it though, I wouldn't mind getting ramen with you or something." You crossed your legs and faced him with a tired smile.

After a few moments the nurse calls out for the both of you and leads you to a small room with one window and a small bed. "Mr.Takuma please take a Seat." The nurse said kindly waving her hand to the bed. "The doctor will be in soon." She said leaving the room bowering her head.

"You think Nanamis ok?" Ino asked hesitantly fidgeting with his hands. "I-I don't know.." you mumbled. "I'm sure he's just fighting still they said they need all high leveled sorcerers they can get." You where just as hesitant to the topic as he was. You and him where never close Ino was always his main priority or focus. You never minded though as long as Ino was happy there wasn't much of a problem.

You could tell he was worried about not hearing from him for so long. "I'm sure we'll hear about him soon enough, so don't worry to much k?" You shot him a reassuring grin.

A few minutes later the doctor walks in and does normal protocol checking how bad the injures were and talking about treatment. "So the good news is that you should heal fine in a few months, we'll give you some pain meds. Don't move around to much till then." She said in a monotone voice before walking out to get a nurse to handle the rest.

After filing some paper work to get the painkillers she explains what to do and what not to do. "No heavy lifting or working out in general, and no work for a little bit." She said softly flipping though the papers before handing you two bottles of pain killers and some strong Tylenol.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 14 ⏰

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