The after math of shibuya (continued)

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As you follower the meek blond around looking a safe space to rest and heal until you can get out of this place. "The building over there looks pretty safe." You mumbled repositioning the brown haired man on your shoulders. He nods making his way in over the torn and crumpled floor.

As you two inter y'all look around the abandoned home searching the rooms for survivors and or supplies.after clearing the first hall way you make you way into the next room until you realize it's a kid room. The walls where a soft pink with white accent in the corners of the walls, small painted on flowers scattered here and there.

Your eyes dart around nervously until you look in the closet. A deep red splattered from one side of wall to the next, you let out a loud gasp looking at it or them? You thought to yourself looking down at a large body holding a smaller body. A mother and her son. You turn your head quickly looking at anything else but that. "These fucking curses." You mumbled to yourself walking out of the room quickly slamming the door behind you.

"Don't go In There.."you said looking down at the weapon strapped to the side of your leg the thought of "you could have done something " keeps flashing in your mind over and over again but to choose people you don't know over your friend, your family, he's all you had, but it doesn't change the fact those people are dead cause of you. You could have done something...You were deep in thought untill you noticed Ino sitting up to the best of his ability.

"Hey." He groans propping himself up against the wall letting out small grunts as he does so. "Hey." You repeated back to him trying not to think to much about it. "Feeling any better?" You questioned sitting next to him, your hand next to his. "I guess."he mumbled looking up to the ceiling holding his stomach tight with his left hand. "I know I've said this a lot but thank you."he said his eyes meeting your.

You say nothing and only give him a small smile in return. He slowly moves his hand closer to your his pinky laid over yours. Your eyes meet his for a second a small blush on his face. The room was filled with a comfortable silence, though the thought of getting close with him makes your heart hurt. The thought of caring or even having someone care for you scared you, death in this felid is almost eminent. Hell you don't even know if Nanami is alive right now.

You slowly move you hand away and place it on your lap he shoots a glance towards you but says nothing. "I'm ganna go see if there's anything we can pass time with." You mumble before getting up heading towards the second floor. You drag you fingers across the well loved walls cryons and marker where randomly sketched here and there. It made your blood boil think about what the past few days had brought to Shibuya all this death and chaos made you sick.

After searching some rooms you finally find a small little game closet. Stuffed to the brim with worn and loved games, dolls and a other toys of the sort where in there as well. You pulled out a thing of cards and shoved them in your pocket and walk down the stairs.

"I found some cards."you said tossing it to him with out thinking, hitting him in the head. "Oww "he groaned holding his hand up to his head. "What was that for?"he said looking up at you. "Sorry, I kinda forgot about the uh, Injuries." You said trying to hold back a grin. He rolled his eyes.

After playing cards for a bit the sun slowly fades away bringing in the midnight sky. He laid asleep next to you his head resting on your shoulder. You would like to sleep but you keep picturing what you saw in the kids room.

(Earlier that day)

"Help me! Please my husbands stuck in the house! Something's hurting him." She sobbed violently her son hugging her leg, tears staining his face. "Ma'am I need you to calm down I have to get the other civilians out of here."you said loudly while directing the crowd of people in the area to a safer place. "Help him..."she cried out grabbing the caller of your shirt.

You shove her away getting the last of the crowd to the area they need to be in. You turn to her and start to talk before your phone goes off saying they need back up in a different part of the city immediately. "Ma'am ask another sorcerer!" You shouted before running further into the city.

(End of flash back)

"Fuck" you mumble under your breath, a wave of guilt washed over you. Turning your stomach in all wich ways. You look down at Ino who rested beside you. You know he would be ashamed or discusted but what choice did you have it was an emergency right? Right? You repeated your thoughts to yourself over and over again. You had no choice but to go help someone else, it was an order. So that makes it ok, right?

Your eyes keep shooting over towards that fucking room, it's almost all consuming its the only thing that you can focus on but then you remover Ino resting beside you, you can't leave him in his current state.

You let out a long sigh before before finally closing your eyes and letting sleep consume you. The both of you rest to the best of your abilities though probably not the best idea you desperately needed it. Your muscles have been abused all day long.

  Your eyes flutter awake as the light hits the both of you. You hear some rusling coming from outside, the sound of something walking through leaves and branches. You slowly push Ino off of you and go to check what it was you hand on the hatchet strapped to your thigh. You look down at the small little curse with out a second thought killing if before it causes any trouble.

You walk into the house yet again sitting next to Ino wondering just how long it will be until your able to leave. It feels like it's been forever here doing the same things over and over again. You hug your knees tightly, resting your head on your arms and looking at him wondering when he'll wake from his sleep.

(So my friend said it wasn't exactly clear when the barriers broke/went down and smt about how it went like straight into the cullin games. I could be wrong though! So I'm most likely ganna make it go down sometime next chapter. Again I'm sorry if this isn't lore accurate😓 also I'm pretty sure he lost an eye idk if it happened now or like some time else in the manga so for now he has both eyes. My friend also said she wanted the reader to kinda have some sorta moral dilemma so that's why the death of that family is in here💀 sorry if it seemed random 😖 I'm just wrighting cause I find it fun! :) )

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