Chapter One

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"Will you STOP following me around, you bloody freak!," I yelled at the boy with bright red hair and mounds of freckles behind me, George Weasley. I stopped in my tracks and whipped around to glare at him. He stumbled back and turned off down the corridor. I sighed and turned back around looking at the floor, and I bounced off something and fell backward. I looked and I saw the end of a black cape draping on the ground, and a black tattered boot taping the cement floor. I gulped slowly and looked up at the teacher with long greasy black hair and a unhealthy glare coming from his dark black eyes. I picked up my stuff quickly, as he turned away and looked at Draco heading down to the Slytherin dungeon, I stood up and tried to make a run for it, but as soon as I turned my back on him, 

"Not, so fast...Miss. Evergreen," I stopped in my steps clutching my books. 

"Dammit," I whispered, slowly turning back to him and smiling carefully.

"And where...were you going?," His cold voice asked, he crossed his arms with the glare. 
Bloody Hell, Why is his voice so soothing?!

"U-uh," I paused thinking "I went to give Draco his book I borrowed!," I quickly said "But, I best be going before it gets too late, i'll give it to him tomorrow," I waved the book in Professor Snape's face and turned around on my heels.

"Once again, Miss Evergreen. Not. So. Fast.," He smirked evilly, I knew what was coming "I suppose you think your going to get off so easily, for Hmm..Bumping into me?," His smirk grew wider and raised a eyebrow suddenly. "I think a detention tomorrow at 7pm should be well enough, off you go," 

"Hem Hem," A Girly voice sounded, I cringed at the sound. "Maybe Professor, She could serve it with me?," Umbridge asked her voice dying as Professor Snape looked at her. He knew what she did, I know he does. 

"I think, I can handle her....Professor," He said coolly "Now co-,"

"I think, she should be with me Professor Snape," She interrupted silkily "I can teach her a...Lets say, Proper lesson?," Her frog like face twisted into a smile, his face softened and looked at me. My hand began to ache, the scar I had on my wrist.  I gripping the 'V' shaped scar, and looked at him with a pleading stare, I noticed his eyes glint and he snapped his head back to Umbridge.

"Like I said...," His voice dangerous now "I can handle her, without your medieval treatments," He sneered at her, She let out a "Hmmf" and stalked away. 

"I'm sorry for running into you professor," I choked out looking at the ground, He just saved me from loads of nightmares. He let out a "Mhh" and pointed toward the Stairs that lead to Gryffindor. "Goodnight," I squeaked as he grabbed my shoulder and pushed me. 

I was walking down a empty corridor, filled with shelves and shelves of dust orbs. It felt like I was walking down an endless hall, until I stopped and heard a voice coming from one of the orbs. I walked up to it, and there was a number '94'. I heard struggling down the hall, and a dark cold voice whispering. I walked down the corridor and stopped. A glass orb glistening and this time the number was '97' I looked away from the orb, and I almost screamed. Voldemort..Was Attacking Arthur Weasley... My eyes widened, and my wrist began to heat and burn, and felt like it was being pierced by a needle. 

I Woke with a start, Sweating trembling holding my wrist. The face of the dark lord was terrifying.  I snapped back to reality, still sweating. There were girls surrounding my four-poster. 

"Thalia are you okay?," Hermione asked and a few other girls stared at me like I was crazy. I couldn't answer. She grabbed my shoulder and lead me out of the girls dorm. In the common room, there were huddles of boys, surrounding one person I hoped not to see, Harry Potter. He was shaking sweating and trembling just as I was. No later then two minutes, professor McGonagall entered the portrait and grabbing mine and Harry's arm quickly. She lead us to a gargoyle and said something I couldn't quite make out, and it began spinning, into a spiral staircase which we walked up. The Headmaster Albus Dumbledore stood there shocked. 

"Harry, Thalia. What happened?," Dumbledore asked coming out from behind his desk.

"Arthur Weasley...Voldemort attacked him," I said quickly, I heard Professor McGonagall cringe at the name. Harry looked over at me like I was crazy. Did he see the same thing?

"But...But..That was in my dream, I felt as though I was attacking him though," He said, Dumbledore plainly ignored him as he began to pace back and fourth next to his desk, his hands behind his back.

"Look at me!," I yelled He looked at me quickly with a shocked face "These dreams, we are having..Are they happening?," I asked but he ignored once again

"Contact Molly Weasley, tell them Arthur is greatly injured," I said to one of the paintings "And Minerva, Call Professor Snape up here please," He said finally as McGonagall rushed out of the office. We stood there in silence.

"How are we-,"

"Thalia, when you were One... Lord Voldemort ordered one of his Followers to kill you and your parents... The Death eater killed your father, and turned to your mother. She cast a Memory charm on you, before the Death Eater could kill her, ," Dumbledore said in one breath but continued "You got the scar from Voldemort himself, when you were One. He tried to kill you himself like dear Mr. Potter here, but failed," he finished. I had no words my throat was swolen, I was taken aback by Dumbledore. He spilled everything, after all these years of not knowing.... 

The door of Dumbledore's office swung open, Professor McGonagall returned with Professor Snape. His eyes darted to me, then to Harry and to Dumbledore. He raised an eyebrow.

"Headmaster..You wished to see me?," He asked coolly.

"I'm afraid we can't wait any longer Severus, Not even until the morning..," Dumbledore said quietly "One...At a time," He whispered. Professor Snape's face turned from relaxed to shocked within seconds. He looked at me, then took Harry's and my hand, leading us down the stair case, into his office. Shutting the door, he let go of us and pushed us into chairs. 

"It was often...The dark lords idea to penetrate ones mind, to get information, or drive them mad," He said before we asked questions.

"So your saying this is actually happening?," I asked

"Of course..," He said pulling out his wand. 

((Edited as Of September 23, 2015))

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