Chapter Three

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I'm mixed with so many emotions. Love, Hope, sadness, anger. I don't know which one to stick with. Trying to empty my mind, and clear my head last night was harder then I thought. He was the only thing I could think about so I just stayed up all night unintentionally trying to clear everything. But I fell asleep in my four poster eventually ....I thought I did at least..

"Evergreen!! Wake up or it'll earn you a weeks worth of detention!," Professor Snape said hitting me in the back of the head  with his paper back book in the middle of potions class 

"S-Sorry Professor," I stifled through a yawn "I finished my P-potion," I said stretching he looked at me like I was stupid.

"Still tired are we?," he smirked "I know what'll wake you up..I've changed my mind week of detention," He turned around from me and went up to his desk still smirking to himself.

"Bloody git," I muttered and put my head down, Ron and Harry laughed 

"Got that one right," Ron whispered into my ear stirring his cauldron. We started laughing, Professor Snapes head shot up at us, and our faces turned red from holding in laughs. 

"Lets see how Their potion is doing," Professor Snape said heading to the back where we are, The whole left side busted out in giggles...They were Slytherins.

"Bloody hell!," Ron hissed looking into his yellowish green potion, which is supposed to be  darkish grey..

"Ron, that's a disaster," I whispered as Snape got to us.

"Potter you first," he hissed looking into his cauldron he swiped his wand and cleared it. 

"But Sir-,"

"Weasley, you next," He interrupted. His potion is turning a blueish green now. He wiped his cauldron too.  Harry and Ron were looking at me like I were their last hope.

"Evergreen," he looked into my cauldron. The potion was calm, and a dirty grey color, he took the spoon and stirred it, looking quite pleased. "Maybe..I have underestimated you," He said coolly and turned away with his cape billowing behind him. Harry and Ron flashed me a Grin while Hermione starred at me. 

"Good going, the greasy haired git likes one of us Gryffindors. We have hope now!," Ron laughed as we were all out of ear shot range, I hung my head. I felt bad when they spoke about him like that, considering I just done it, but I was snapped back into reality.

"I have detention tonight!! And for all next week...What a Friday," I moped and turned around "Bye Hermione, Ron, Harry," I waved and set back off to the potion dungeon "This is going to be Wonderful," I said to myself sarcastically swinging the door open and stomping in. He looked up, from cleaning his desk from his papers and set the stack back down. 

"I want you to start by cleaning the cauldrons on the left,"  He directed me to where the Slytherins sat.

"Okay," I mumbled and began to clean

"Okay Sir,"  He demanded 

"Last time I checked I was a girl no need to call me Sir," I hissed, not meaning to say it aloud. He whipped around and looked at me. 

"I Don't recall asking for Attitude," He hissed back

"I don't recall asking for your Opinion!," I said continuing to clean, finishing the left side and dropping the littered boxes of chocolate frogs into the wastepaper basket. He just looked at me dumbfounded as I cleaned the right side.

"Now I want you to tell me what is going on with you," he barked and grabbed my shoulder pushing me into the chair "Or i'll just tell The headmaster  we were having  a extra Occlumency lessons, which won't be a problem," Professor Snape took out his wand.

"You wouldn't," I growled 

"Give me a reason not to,"  He pointed his wand at me. Would he really do it?

"I'm. Not. Saying. Anything," I spat looking up at his eyes. His facial features turned dangerous


"Protego!!," I sheilded. The force field was so strong, once I let go, he was pushed into the desk.

"Tell me.," He snapped standing up straight. He grabbed my face in his hands  and began to move closer, our faces almost touching.

"Professor?-," I was quieted by someones lips against mine.  Was My professor kissing me? Am I kissing back? Whats going on..I opened my eyes, he was kissing me. Why do they fit together so easily? Before I knew it we disconnected and he was back to his gloomy smirking self.

"Get back to your house," He turned away from me and walked to his office.  I left the potions classroom smiling. How should I feel about this? 

"I guess i'm not sleeping again," I said to myself looking at the ground

"May I ask why?," A scratchy girly voice asked. I looked up Professor Umbridge was standing in front of me. "Why are you out in the corridors?," She asked again

"Why do you ask so many questions," I snapped "You should know shouldn't you? You wanted me to serve the detention with you, so that answers your question. I was in detention with professor Snape,"  I finished

"Your asking fo-," 

"Are you looking for someone..Professor?," Snape showed up behind me 

"This..This young lady is giving me Attitude," She barked 

"That is her....Specialty, besides potion making and the Dark Arts," He smirked "But if you were looking to give her your medieval treatment once again, I have her all next week for detention," He confessed looking proud with himself.

"Hmmf!," She stomped and turned away.

"Knock it with the attitude Evergreen, or your going to land yourself in more detention. Get. To. Your. House.," He pushed and I made my way back to the Gryffindor common room.

((Updated as of September 23, 2015))

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