Chapter 31: My Name Is NOT Khan

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Kajol sighed as she and Shah Rukh stood out in front of their temporary beach home and waited for the driver to pick her up. Repeatedly, she asked Shah Rukh where they were going and what they were doing for her to have to go get prim and prepped, but his lips were zipped tightly. Not even giving her so much as a hint. Kajol kept her hands to herself. Crossed and over her chest. Her face was flat and straight. Shah Rukh knew she hated surprises and his not telling her anything was making her anxious and frustrated.

Kajol's driver approached them right on time; frustrating Kajol even more. Was he trying to get rid of her so hastily that her driver just HAD to be there promptly? Silently, Shah Rukh opened the car door for her. Placing his hand on her lower back as helped her into the BMW. Scoffing she rolled her eyes getting in without so much as a fight. Avoiding Shah Rukh completely she tried to close the door in his face though she knew he wouldn't allow it. Which he didn't. He caught the door in his hand effortlessly and held it back with all the strength in his muscular arm.

"Kajol don't keep testing me." Shah Rukh warned her sternly. He didn't care if she was angry. She could be angry all she wanted. She was entitled to her feelings, but he wasn't going to take her leaving without kissing him goodbye. Shah Rukh hated goodbyes she knew that from all the times he spoke to her in confidence about how he lost both of his parents at such a young age. If they had to go their separate ways, even for just a little while it should be done on a high note.

"Don't keep testing ME." Kajol mumbled under her breath back like a bratty child. Shah Rukh lifted her chin for her to look at him head-on. Immediately she softened at the look in his eyes. His eyes poured into hers in such a serious and demanding way. Kajol's stomach felt like it had tied in knots under his gaze. She could see he wasn't going to back down. Quickly and unenthusiastically she laid her lips across Shah Rukh's and pulled away crossing her arms back securely to her chest.

"Kajol." Shah Rukh said her name simply. He wasn't satisfied with such a weak expression of love. Kajol sighed before making her second attempt. Laying her lips against his, she kissed him with some passion behind it. She was still visibly upset; wanting nothing more than to leave with the driver as Shah Rukh had originally planned. As if he wished to be rid of her.

"That was good, but you can do better. The next hour of this life isn't promised to us, Baby. Kiss me like you love me." Shah Rukh said with a smirk giving feedback; encouraging her to lay her lips against his once again. Kajol softened at his words. He was right. Anything could happen between the hours of them being apart. She knew all too well that "anything could happen" just look at how they came to be. Life was unpredictable, to say the least. With a sigh, she thought about how ungrateful she was being. Clearly, Shah Rukh had spent hard time and effort ironing out the events of their evening together. She should be thankful he thought enough of her to go to such great lengths to please her. Kajol sat up straight in her seat with a sad smile now donning her face. Slowly uncrossing her arms.

"You're right. I'm sorry and I can't wait to see you later this evening. Thank you for everything in advance. I love you." Kajol said as she leaned forward kissing his lips one last time. This time she put forth her greatest effort. Kissing him with intention and letting her heart take the lead as her lips parted and danced against his in a rhythm they both knew all too well. Quickly the kiss got deeper than either of them were prepared for. Kajol's breath caught in her chest when Shah Rukh gripped her by the nape of her neck to keep her still from even daring to move from his grasp. Kajol's lips nibbled on his begging for entrance which he allowed willingly and hungrily. He was beginning to regret letting her leave his side. Shah Rukh pulled away remembering that his driver was there waiting awkwardly for them to finish kissing so he could do his job efficiently.

Kajol quietly whined as their lips parted from each other. Missing his lips against her own already. Miss him already.

"I love you and I'll see you sometime later. Enjoy your time out. We'll be back together before you know it." Shah Rukh smirked as he used his thumb to slightly wipe the corner of his mouth. He wanted so badly to continue kissing her until her lips were pink and swollen. Instead, he kissed her forehead lightly and closed her car door to keep himself from being reckless and ruining a night that hadn't even happened yet.

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