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Ialu liked identifying his friends by their smell before looking at them.

In the beginning it was a game. A game to see how many people he could guess just by his nose. Seimiya-sama smelled like lavender, Damiya smelled like rich tea with a faint scent of roses, and Kairu was pine. They were usually pretty accurate.

Now, guessing people by the sense of smell became a natural thing to him.



I let out a explosive sneeze, barely making it into the corner of my elbow. While rubbing my nose with a Kleenex I could hear the ex-sezan giggling next to me.

"Woah m8, that's like your 38th time sneezing today... Br0"

Kairu grinned towards me knowing how much he dislike the use of improper grammar. I tried throwing a glare over to him. It ended up in another sneeze.

He ruffled my brown hair, making me internally whine at how much my head hurts.

"Oi b0i, I think you need to go home and rest ur eggs ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )"

I threw him a puzzling look. 'Eggs? B0i? Oi???' How does one even pronounce ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )?'

I starred intensely at the black haired dice user, trying hard to figure out exactly what went on in his mind. About half a minute passed with me looking into his eyes in silence. It took him even less time to embarrass the crap out of me.

"Awww does wittle Ialu have crush on me~? He keeps staring at my face. Am I that handsome?"

A small giggle followed those words, causing heat to rush towards my cheeks.

"Oh my gosh Kairu"


My people I am back. It seems like I can never write angst... So I decided to write a thing. This thing. If anyone wants me to continue the other one. I can try but I won't guarantee anything. I might ditch the sad one.

Anyyywaysss I have literally no plot or story line for this.. so yeah.

I need to rewatch the series...

If anyone wants to shoot me for Kairu's way of talking go ahead. Pls leave comments ily guys byeeee

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