What do we have here

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No one POV

"How did you know we are from the future" Albus asked Draco as they moved to the living room.

Draco now carrying a sleeping Lilly sat down and look at Albus, and smirk.
"Because your brother here is a spitting image of your father, and seeing him now I assume he is James. And the James I know has just turning 3." He say nodding toward James.

"So what do I owe the pleasure of my future children" Draco questioned

James, Scorpius, and Albus all glanced at their little sister who was currently asleep in there Mother's arms.

" Um.....well.....Lilly the little girl your holding wanted to........meet you..........." James states nervously.

"Why, I'm there in the future, why must you come back in time to see someone one you already see?" Draco questioned.

The brother looked away not wanting to answer. How would they explain to their mother that he died. Not the easiest thing to do. Draco frowned at the odd behavior and looked down at the sleeping child in his arms. Petting her head as he thought about why the looked so gloomy.

" I'm there right?" Draco slowly asked

Again no one answers and they all look away. However before Draco can ask another question Lilly starts to stir in his arms.

"Mommy...." Lilly whispers while rubbing her eyes

" Hi sweetie, you more up now?" Draco smiles at her

Lilly nods and snuggles closer to Draco hoping he doesn't let go.

Draco sighs and looks at James and almost smiles at how much he looks like Harry. He then looks over towards the twins. Scorpius looks just like him, but with harry's hair that is blonde, and green eyes. Albus looked like harry but had his grey eyes. He then looked down towards Lilly who was already looking at him big grey eyes staring back at him. Brown hair braided nicely down her back.

He smiles at Lilly then looks again back at James. After reliasing that they weren't going to answer his questions, he decided to change topics.

"Y'know I was scared to have children when I was pregnant with you" Draco says to James.

The children look at their mother waiting for him to continue.

" I was so worried that I would mess up and the kid would be miserable, like I was when I grew up. But seeing all of you together gives me hope that I did something right" Draco states " my childhood was a mess, but your father held my hand through it all, well after we stopped arguing and being enemies" Draco chuckled.

James smiles, then sighs very hard.

" You died after Lilly was born" James spits out. "You were protecting Lilly from a crazy man, and ended up dying" James explains.

There was a big awkward pause as Draco took the information in. He pondered on what to say, as he looked down to the little girl in his arms. He kissed her head and smiled.

"Well I'm glad one of us survived." He smiles and stands up with lilly.

"Who's hungry let eat and have some fun. We still have time before harry and James come back from their camping trip"

" Anything you want to eat Lilly?"

"PASTA" Lilly excitedly screams.

The children and draco make there way to he kitchen.

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