Why me 'Part 2'

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(so I've decided that when I'm done with the flash backs for Taylor she's going to be 30 years old for the story but I know when she was 30 she released her folklore album but it's going to be different it's going to be based in when she releases her red album, but she'll be 30 years old, so the ages and albums won't match up with each other but that's OK because I want her to stay a little young but I don't want her Albums to be Caught up to date because if I did that I have to create new albums which I don't want to do so she's going to be 30 but she's going to be doing  her red era, so I apologize if the age and albums don't match up also, Allison is 13 but will be 14 in the story soon) 

Taylor's POV 

~2 months after she found out she was pregnant~

I pulled out my suitcase from my closet. As i started to pack my bag. Shoving all the clothes inside that I possibly could. I couldn't believe I was leaving the house that I've lived in, for 3 years. 

My childhood home where I lived till I was 14 was in Pennsylvania, I miss living there. But when I was 14 we packed her bags and got moving. I moved to Tennessee so I could pursue in my music. My parents were so supportive of me and now I've lived in this house in Tennessee for three years and I can't believe I'm leaving, but I have to leave, I can't let anybody know that I'm pregnant I don't want anyone to know. My mom, my dad, Austin, my friends...Joe. Especially Joe, he could never know. I haven't seen him in three months. It's like he just ditched me. Sometimes I fucking hate that guy. I knew I should've broken up with him but sadly my stupid little head was too in love to see all the red flags that he came with. I was with him for at least three years and I wish I was never. He ruined my life. My life will never be the same. 

I finally packed my last item, my song book I quickly zipped my suitcase up and grabbed a backpack to put all of my personal items in, such as things I would need, like my phone headphones, hairbrush, chapstick, and gum. 

I quickly rushed downstairs, as I looked at the time, 2:18 AM. I quietly got my keys out of my pocket and pushed it through the lock. And started to fiddle with it. 

Before I could even step out of the door, I heard a voice behind me. "We're the hell do you think you're going?!" I turned around to see My brother Austin standing at the bottom of the stairs. "Austin what are you doing up this late" I asked "Because I'm 14 not 4, but the real question is why are you up in the middle of the night, Tay?" He asked, concern plastered across his face. My heart skips a beat every time he calls me 'Tay', He's my little brother and it breaks my heart to have to leave him here with out him knowing we're I'm at. "I-I...uh" I spoke, my voice cracking and tears went to the brim of my eyes. Austin looked at me frowning. "Sis...?" He looked at me. "Are you leaving" I stood there as tears slowly falling down his face. "I-I I'm sorry Austin, I'm leaving, and I'm not coming back ever" I told him tears streaming down my face too. "Y-Your what?!" He said crying tears of sadness. My heart broke into a thousand pieces, as I looked at him I quickly pulled him into a hug as he cried into my shoulder. 

For his age, boys never cry. I remember when I was in 8th grade none of the boys in my school, ever cried, besides that one time when James broke his arm. I could tell the tears were meaningful and sincere. I was leaving him and I was never coming back. I didn't know when I would see him again, but it broke my heart to see him so sad that his only sister would be leaving. And then it hit me, My parents, I would be leaving my parents at that moment I felt like I wanted to throw everything down the trash and just go back to life have a way it was when I was hanging out on my Christmas tree Farm and around the house, playing hide, and seek with Austin but I realize that my life would never be the same. I caused a problem and now I have to fix it. I chose my own path and I have to follow it that means leaving Austin and my parents I couldn't bear the thought and started bawling my eyes out as I held onto my only brother. 

Taylor Swift: Allison (The beginning) book 1Where stories live. Discover now