Why Me 'Part 3'

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So this is gonna be 4 months after the last chapter so now she's 9 months pregnant 

3 months later 

"AHHH" I screamed the pain ran through my body, so hard, I felt like passing out. The pain was horrible and I was sweating profusely, as I lay in the hospital bed. Thinking about how I got here. 

I never thought pregnancy could be so hard and painful as it was. I felt I was dying. I could barely breathe let alone talk. The doctors were in the room getting everything set up for the delivery of my beautiful baby. I was excited to get to hold her in my arms for the first time but at the same time I just wanted this to all be over. I practically had no one to be there by my side, except for Sel, and I  practically ditched my brother and parents, my boyfriend nowhere to be seen, and Paula was in Europe. So I was all alone with no one by my side to be there for me. It broke my heart that I had to go through this alone. I sat there with no one to hold my hand as I went back to how I got here in the first place. 

2 hours ago

"Hey Selena look at this one" I said as I pointed to a purse in the display case."Wow I like it!" She looked at me and than to the price tag. "Uhh 568.00$" She said while gritting her teeth."Here I'll buy it for you Sel" I told her while smiling.She looked over at me and smiled. "Really Tay...you don't have to do that". I picked up the purse and went to the counter to pay for it. "Thank you so much Tay". She said to me as I handed her the purse. "No problem" I said as I smiled back at her. "Hey Taylor I have to go home, sorry girl" She looked at me frowning, as she walked over to me and engulfed me in a huge hug. It's was kinda  side hug because of my baby bump being in the way but I didn't mind. I was sad as I watched her walk away, while waving bye. 

I was used to it by now, my friends always leaving because they had important stuff to do. Since most of my friends I've met through social media and them always being famous actors or singers, I had gotten used to one of us always having leave for important stuff. 

"Your gonna ace that meeting!" I screamed to her as she turned back and gave me a quick air kiss, and said thank you. 

30 min later 

I was almost to my car, when suddenly a felt a sharp pain but simply ignored it, still walking to my car that was only 15 feet away. I than felt another sharp pain and winced, tripping on my heal a little. 

"You okay there miss swift" My bodyguard Steve asked me grabbing onto my shoulders, supporting me, looking concerned (And yes I gave him a name bc most don't have names in other fan fics) 

But before I could respond, I felt another start paying through my body as I look down to see water, dripping down my leg, soaking my maternal overalls. I almost practically screamed and clutched my stomach in pain, feeling more water, drip down my legs, forming a puddle at my feet. 

"Oww..." My whole body hurt, and I had these little pains that hurt like hell. 

I sudden relizeation hit me, the baby. The baby's coming! 

"Steve? I-I think the baby's coming" I said making all sorts of faces while looking over at Steve who was already dialing the nearest hospital. "Ms. Swift? They said that they are getting everything ready for you, we just have to drive there" He said. "Well than what are we waiting for" I said slipping into the car while one of my bodyguards helped me. 

At the hospital (in the delivery room) 

I was laying down on one of the hospital beds in the delivery room when a nurse and docter came in the room. The nurse walked over to me with my phone in her hand. "Ms. Swift is there anyone you would like us to call for you" The nurse said while going to my numbers. 

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