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What's going on? Why are they decorating the house? I asked all my siblings, my father and even my mother but I didn't get an answer, at least from my siblings and my father. My mother told me that it was not of my concern. But still why does it feels like it's related to me, that I have something to do with this. I don't understand. Since the incidence with my mother trying to almost kill me which took place for almost a week ago, something changed.

They started to let me go outside more often with my siblings. I didn't need to take care of the house that much anymore. My mother even came to me a few times while I was washing the dishes or scrubbing the bathroom and told me that I didn't need to do that, that she would do it and that I could go and rest for a while. To be honest I was and am extremely chocked because it's not often you her something like that from my mother.

Has she finally understood that whatever she was doing was wrong and unfair? Is she trying to correct her faults? Maybe, I hope so but I still doubt that because it really feels like all of this sudden change has a really big hidden background to it, that it's related to something. I need to find out, but the question is how?

"Aliyah dear, can I come in?" my mother called which made me come back to earth. I was currently sitting on my bed with a notebook in my hand. My mother wanted me to write the name of all families we know and there numbers to. But once again why? This was at least the fifth time my mother came in to my room today which is extremely weird. Either she came to ask me my favorite color, which food I would like, what do I prefer white or red roses or what my favorite country is. I need to know what going on her? This isn't normal at all?

"Yes mother" I said and gave her a sign to come inside.

She came and sat beside me on the bed, strange may I ad because first of she never sits near me and if she ever would, it would definably not be on my bed but rather on a chair. She looked at me with concern and love radiating from her eyes.

"Did you write all the names and phone numbers "she asked politely while taking back on of my hair shaft that was placed on my forehead.

"Yes mother, I am almost done" I told her. Should I ask her again? I need to know. But what if she gets angry, what if she becomes the old mother I know. Maybe she is just organizing a party or something. But still it feels like something is up. Come one ask her my inner voice called out.

I opened my mouth to say something but the words didn't come out. I can't, I am scared. Come one you can do it my inner voice said once again. I breathed in and out slowly and then when I finally got the courage to speak the words were out.

"Mother, what's going on?" and I instantly regret it because her facial expression changed from soft to somehow really dark. Her brown chocolate eyes that always haunted me in my dreams were back.

"What did I tell you, it's none of your concern" she said harshly.

"But why does it feel like it is then?" I asked her slowly.

"Well ask yourself about this question because I don't have anything to tell you" she said while standing up.

"But mother I need to know, can you at least tell me why your inviting all these people and what's with all these decorating that is being done" I pleaded

"No!" she simple stated and marched out of the room without bothering to turn around.

Fine then, I won't let this get away so easily. You don't want to tell me. It's okay but I am going to find out I thought as I myself went out of my room strait to my father's office. I saw Amira and Ali smiling at my direction while I passed by them. I have had enough already. Something is totally wrong and I am going to the bottom of this I though as I approached the half opened door to my father's office.

But before I could get inside I stopped. My mother was inside there talking to my father and I could even hear what they were saying.

"We can't hide this forever, the time is running. It's only two days left" I heard my father say with annoyance. What's happing in a two days? I thought worriedly as I continued to listen.

"So what, she doesn't need to know this" my mother said. I knew they were hiding something.

"Are you crazy? Of course she needs to know this, it's related to her and her whole life" my father shrieked.

"She will find out sooner or later. Besides its only good that she doesn't know or else she will run away with here stupid lover boy Kamal" she stated and that's when the earth stopped. It was as if everything was spinning around me but it now halted to an end. Why did she say that? Why would I want to run away with him with...Kamal?

Even thinking about that person gives me goosebumps. It makes me weak and abounded. As if I am some kind of a prisoner to him. It reminds me of all those shattered dreams, all those hopes that I had built up for him within me. But most of all, it reminds me of the day when everything related to him was shattered, when everything related to him was snatched away from me, the day when our paths were divided, forever.

I took a hold of the doorframe so that I wouldn't fall down. How could she say so? Why did she even say his name when she herself was the one to tell me that he has nothing to do with my life?

"Mother please understand, I want this and he too wants this"

"I don't care what you want okay, it's never going to happen, NEVER!" she shouted back.

"But why, why can't this happen. Why can't you be happy with the thing that brings me happiness?, father why don't you say anything. You're always the one to stand up for my right. Then what happened today?"

"Dear I...I" he sighted. "Your mother is right, this...this cant happened"

"See I told you and by the way with you being happy I don't care about it because your happiness should be with what makes me happy not you. He has nothing to do with you anymore, get it!" she stated and walked out with my father behind, leaving me fallen to the ground with all my happiness shattered around me.

I still remember that day and my tears are still fresh from all that occurred back then. My dreams and hopes are still there relating to it, but not that I can do anything about it. Not that I can change the things that are done. But I still have the right to know what's happening now and I am going to find out. That's when I pushed open the door and went in only to find my both parents chocked to see me.

"Father I need answers, what's going on" I blurred out.

Both of them looked at each other for a while and I could clearly see my mother glaring at him as an indication that 'don't tell her'. But I need to know and no one is going to stop me from getting my answer not even my mother.

"Father you have to tell me, now" I warned him.

"He is not going to tell you any... she didn't get the chance to finish her sentence because I cut her off.

"No mother, he is going to tell me!" I shouted back and that's when she became chocked.

"I know that this isn't because your trying to redo what you have done to me okay, so don't try to even make me believe that" I stated firmly.

"Ejaz, you are not going to..." she was once again cut of but this time it wasn't from me but from my father.

"Yes I am, she has the right to know" my father shouted back at her. Then he looked at me with his light brown eyes that were only reflecting guilt and worry.

"What is it father" I asked afraid of what was coming. He slowly stood up from the chair and walked over to me. When he approached me he took hold of my both shoulders tightly. He searched for my attention and when he got it he finally spoke up.

"You're getting married dear" and exactly then, the whole world had stopped spinning, again.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2015 ⏰

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