Chapter 19: Decision P1

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Taeil POV: I couldn't sleep at all. The current time is 2AM. I decided to go and drink some tea to fall asleep. When I stood up, Johnny looked at me. He said "Couldn't sleep?" In a husky voice and I nodded. We went downstairs. We arrived around 10PM and Seokmin and Yoona were sleeping so we carried then to their room. On the kitchen counter, there was an envelope with some papers. Johnny opened it and kept looking at it.

Johnny POV:
After we went downstairs. I looked at it and thought about it... "Seventeen is a serious threat to our family. We don't have any weapons. If NCT resigns, we can end things with seventeen as a group." I said to myself as I looked at Taeil who understood me. "I have thought about it..." Taeil says. "Honestly, I miss everything. I miss fighting too..." Taeil giggles saying. I smiled at him. Taeil handed me a cup of tea and took a pen. He took one of the papers and signed it.
I looked at it and... He had signed to rejoin. I smiled and took the pen and also signed. If my husband's going to fight, he's taking me with him. I thought. We turned the TV on and watched a movie and we both fell asleep pretty fast.

Taeyong POV:
I thought about it over and over again. I love Doyoung and our kids. Those bastars kidnapped my doie one time... I won't let that happen again. So, I stood up slowly to not wake doyoung up and went downstairs. I took the papers out of the cabinet and took a pen. I signed it and realised... I am back in the mafia world. Now, there was only one thing on my mind. Will the rest of the members sign it? I drank some water and was about to go when I heard footsteps. I looked back slowly from the dark room and saw doyoung read the papers. I slowly walked towards him and back hugged him and he flinched.
"It's just me love..." I said.

No one's POV:
"Mhmm" says taeyong biting and sucking doyoung's neck and collarbones making hickies.
"Ahhh... I wanna rejoin" says doyoung making taeyong look at him. Taeyong smiled and kissed him.  They looked at each other for a while and taeyong finally said something. "Don't use that paper... I already signed to rejoin." He says said in a sharp voice.
"Tae! You scared me!" Says doyoung sulking.
"I am sorry...." Taeyong said whining.
"I will make it up to you..... " Taeyong slowly says as he looks at doyoung's outfit which was just his white shirt with black shorts showing his thighs.
"In the bedroom..." Taeyong says bringing doyoung's near him by waist and kissing him. Doyoung wrapped his arms around taeyong's neck as taeyong tightly held his ass.
"Then, what are we waiting for?" Asks doyoung seductively.
"First sign!" Taeyong says.
Doyoung quickly jumped off and signed the papers. And they continued what they were doing.

It was afternoon by the time kun woke up. After kuncas returned home around 00:30, they had done "it" since they were horny, and the kids were asleep + due to stress. They slept around 5:30. Lucas woke up at 6 and sent the kids to school. Kun woke up and saw that lucas's arms and legs were wrapped around him and one of his hands were using the phone.
"Yukhei..." Kun groaned getting up. "Hey, how's your back?" Lucas asks smirking. Kun just blushes. Kun takes a bath and when he goes out to the dining room, he sees some foods on
the table and Lucas heating them all up. Kun backhugs him and says "Thank you love".
After the heating of food, they began eating. Lucas stops and looks at Kun. "Kun ge...."
"I umm.. thought about what Lee sooman says, and I realised well.... I mean, our family is in danger because of them, we don't have weapons and we haven't trained in a while. If they attack you, me or the kids- Kun ge, I don't wanna see you or my kids leave me!" Lucas blurts out.
"Actually, umm.... While I was in the shower and you know in the car last night, I thought about everything and have decided to sign it..." Kun says. The couple share a deep kiss before Lucas breaks it and opens the folder. He takes the files and puts it on the table. He gives Kun a pen and smiles. The two sign it.

Ten and yangyang were currently in the middle of recording their new duet song "Low Low". They had recorded it before but for some reason, the CEO wanted a remix version as well. So, the two were currently in their break but they couldn't focus at all. They kept making mistakes.
"She be running when I just can't keep her~" yangyang started and the producers says cut.
"Yangyang, it's 'She be running when I just get deeper'" says the PD.
"You know what, yangyang take a break and join ten in the cafeteria and eat something maybe it will refresh your mind!" The PD says. Yangyang groans and goes to the cafeteria. The door scans his face and he enters as the door unlocks. 

Yangyang sees Ten eating a subway sandwich looking outside the window thinking deeply. He slowly walks towards Ten and suddenly hold his shoulders and whisper--yelled "BOO!" causing Ten to almost get a heartattack. "Baby, what the fuck?" ten says holding his chest. Yangyang giggles sitting on Ten's lap. Ten pecks his lips and snuggles his face on Yangyang's neck. 

"Baby Sheep?" Ten calls Yangyang looking at him.

"Yes Ten?" yangyang replies.

"I thought about well what happened yesterday, I want to sign it love..." Ten says looking straight at Yangyang.

"I also did think and I was umm... kind of nervous to tell you... That's why I messed up in the recording..." Yangyang says. Ten smiles and pecks his lips.

"I love you so much baby" ten says kissing yangyang. After breaking the kiss, Yangyang says "I love you too.....


Jaehyun couldn't sleep. He kept thinking about the past with NCT. It is currently 12AM and Jaehyun was outside smoking while sitting on the hanging chair. Jaehyun closes his eyes as he feels someone sitting on his lap.

"What's wrong?" Jungwoo asks.

"I think.. I want to sign it..." Jaehyun says

"Me too....." Jungwoo says. Jaehyun looks up at him and kisses him passionately. The kiss was broken apart after some knocker on the door. 

"Daddy... Papa......" Their child says. Jaehyun and Jungwoo take the child to bed and cuddle her to sleep because she had a nightmare.

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