C.III - Remaining Hope

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He tries not to swing too fast so as not to hurt his father, but quick enough to get back to Queens. As he landed at Central Park, he put his father down. "Oh boy, never do that again, son." The old man said as he sat on a bench. "Sorry, had to get you somewhere so I can figure out how to get you out -" As Spider-Blue spoke, his Spider sense kicked in, he looks up to see Ursa towering over him.

"My my, so you were rushing to get an old piece of waste of this world?" Ursa said. Annoying Spider-Blue a little. "And what are you supposed to be? You look like a Kardashian reject!" Spider-Blue screamed out. Ursa looked at him. She smiles a little bit. "I like you, Spider-Man... Not a lot of humans, even Giantess would've dared to speak of like that to someone like me or of my statues. I would've either crushed them or stripped them of their rank and made them no lower than a cocoroach." Ursa said. Spider-Blue looks at her, with a confused look in his body language.

"There's more of you?" Spider-Blue questioned. "But of course, there are. We are growing in numbers each day. Soon, we would have enough to reduce or kill the human race in the name of Whitelock." Ursa said. Spider-Blue took note of the name Whitelock. But his main concern was his father. He looked at his father, who was looking around before eyeing Ursa. "Jeremiah? Who is this big lady? " the father said. Spider-Blue was nervous as his father said his name out loud. Ursa somehow heard the old man despite how low he spoke.

"Jeremiah, huh? Such an adorable name for someone who's supposed to be dangerous. Well, humans are more cuter the more intemdating they try to be." Ursa said. Spider-Blue started to question her motivate. "The more intemdating they are, the more adorable they are? Well, the bigger they are, the harder they bounce - I mean, the harder they fall... yeah, the harder they fall. Pause Jeremiah...." Spider-Blue said to himself, Ursa heard him talk to himself. "My, are you talking to yourself? Humans are so weird and entertaining." She says outloud. Spider-Blue was confused about how she was able to hear him. He looked at the Giantess ears, studying it. It looked no different from that of a human ear, but it seems more advanced.

Spider-Blue made a theory: What if it's possible that the Giant women have super hearing. That would mean it's possible that naturally, they would be sensitive to loud sounds. But everything about these gigantic beasts was unnatural. Spider sense kicked in, Spider-Blue's awareness increases. He could see that the 4 Giantess were charging to Central Park. He had to act fast and get his father out of danger. Ursa looks as Spider-Blue looks around. She hears the footsteps and gets why he's looking around. The 4 Giantess burst through buildings, stepping on all the trees and looking visible annoyed or angry.

Their clothes were dirty, their hair was a bit messy, and their was blood at the bottoms of their feet. The brown hair Giantess was barefoot and was seemingly very angry. The red hair Giantess spoke, "You thought you gave us the slip, huh? Well, I'll admit, you're a pretty clever human." The red dress Giantess spoke. "Well, I'm very flattered that you think so. I've got a bag of tricks that are dying to be treated! Damn that was clever..." Spider-Blue said. The Giantess looks at him with a bit of annoyance. "That joke was very bad," the Blue Dress Giantess would say. "Sarah, let's show this little human why he should stay in his place." That same Blue Giantess said to the red dress Giantess. Sarah nodded, the two rush twords Spider-Blue. He quickly grabs his father and then jumps away.

"Jeez, let me at least get this poor elderly man somewhere safe first!" Spider-Blue says as he is holding his father in his arms tightly. "That old man, you seem to care for him, little human." Who Spider-Blue now knows named Sarah. "I wonder if his bones will feel the same as if we're crushing a normal cutie!" Emma says in a bubbly cheerful voice. Spider-Blue dodges and flies around with his father in his arms, who is looking around confused and at the Giantess. The girls seem to eye the elderly gentleman. Spider-Blue is getting desperate as he can not fight 5 Giantess at the same time. When hope seems lost, the national guard arrives.

Tanks shot at the gigantic women, and gunshots were blown. The Giantess stumbled backward and shielded themselves from the onslaught. Spider-Blue and his father watch as the Giantess are showerd in fire power. Ursa urges the 4 Giantess to retreat back into the city. The National Guard follows, and one of the soldiers walks to Spider-Blue.

"You alright, Spider-Man?" He says in a calm voice. "Yeah, I'm alright, phew, that was close." Spider-Blue sighed. "Mind explaining what's going on, cheif?" Spider-Blue asked. "I don't know." Said the National guard. "But from what our superiors told us, this is the third attack of these gigantic women attacking the city. We don't know where they come from or what purpose they serve." The guard said. Spider-Blue looked around, and then he looked at his father. "Hey, quick question. Can you get this elderly gentleman some place safe?" Spider-Blue said. "Will do!" Said the national guard. The guards took Spider-Blue's father and placed him in a truck. They started to drive away with Spider-Blue closely following behind. He used his web wings to glide to fly across the destroyed landscape, trailing the truck with his father in it.

Spider sense suddenly kicked in, and he dodged an attempted grab from the brown haird Giantess. The Giantess was angered and damaged. "You Humans really know how to get on a girl's nerves. Why are you all so resilient! Just give up, you can not win!" She screams out. Spider-Blue slides across her arm, and then he dodges her hand, smacking her arm. He backflips, then shoots a web to the building behind the Giantess. He slingshotted himself to the Giantess neck and kicked her in the throat, causing the Giantess to gasp for air and stumble back. He flips back and lands on the side of a building. He looks up at the Giantess and the building. "Sorry, construction workers..." Spider-Blue said to himself as he started to pull the building down to land on the Giantess. The Giantess looks up in horror, and she screams as the building comes down and crushes her.

Spider-Blue lands next to the destroyed building. He looks as her hand twitches. He watches as a pool of blue blood is slowly coming out. "Well, that statement was correct. The bigger they are, the harder they fall." Spider-Blue said before his Spider sense kicked in. He looks to the side to see a giant foot with blue toe nail paint, launching twords him. He puts his arms up in a blocking position. The foot kicks him high in the air. Spider-Blue flies in the air, he looks back to see a cement cylinder, he flies through it, and uses his Web wings to get better air control. He looks to see Emma, still smiling sweetly at him as he flew to another building. "Jeez girl, you don't have to keep that creepy ahh smile on. It's not like it's picture day." Spider-Blue says. "You're hurting inside. I can tell you try to make jokes to counter the trauma you're going through. It's nice to know as it means you're easy to break down..." She says cutely. Ursa walks over the building, holding the brown hair Giantess. As she stepped on the edge, the brown hair Giantess's hand came off. "Typically villian action. Not caring about their minions. At least try to be original." Spider-Blue said."Tonya died with honor. Even though she was killed in disrespect, she honored her role in helping our clan in teraforming this planet and getting rid of Mankind." Ursa said.

Spider-Blue was about to say something when time slowed down once again. Jay begins to feel Goosebumps around his body. His body starts to feel cold, and his awareness is spread across the whole city. He could see everything happening at once. Everyone panicking and running in Manhattan, some desperately getting on the buses, some jumping in the waters to swim to the other side, a young boy looking at the corpse of his mother, families crying, screaming and pain. His attention narrows to a truck. A truck that was thrown by the Red dress Giantess. Jay's body jumps in the air unknowingly. He looks up to see the truck. He recognized the truck. It was the same truck his father was in. Everything started to speed up as Jay shot his web to the truck, trying to stop it from falling into an oil tank.

His web missed, and the truck and it fell into the oil tank...

To be continued

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