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~Dream Start~

I woke up on the ground in a familiar forest. I was back in the same place of my last dream. I stood slowly and looked around. "Hello dear~." A smooth voice spoke from behind me. His breathed danced across my neck making me shiver.

I turned around to face Wilford. "Don't do that ever again..." Wilford smiled mischievously and leaned closer to my face, our lips inches apart. "And If I do hun~?" My face turned a bright red, and Wilford backed away from me giggling, appearing to be happy with my reaction. "Fuck you." I scoff turning away. He only chuckles again.

"My, my, I got you quite mad didn't I?" I continue to look away but he comes up and takes my chin turning my face towards him. "We all go a little mad sometimes dear..." His expression seemed a little crazed, it seemed I still had a lot to learn about this man-

Wilford smiled teleporting behind me. He wrapped his arms around my waist. "Oh cmon... relax my dear it was just a joke, have some fun every once in a while." I rolled my eyes and broke out his grip. Wil crossed his arms as he smiled at me insanely.

"Or~ we could have some real fun." Wilford pulled out a beautiful, pink mini pistol and twirled it around in his hand. I looked at him surprised, I didn't think Wilford was this mad... "What in the actual-" Wilford put his finger up to my lip. "Language darling." He moved his hand so that he was now holding my chin again. "How would you feel about that deary?"

I swallowed hard, I'm sure I knew what he meant but was afraid of being correct. "Feel about what..?" I said softly as I backed away from him. "A night on the town! Some adventure!" He said playing with his gun, like it had been obvious but it still had made me sigh in relief.

"And whats the gun for-?" I raised my eyebrow skeptically. He then suddenly gasped enthusiastically... "My dear! Did you think I meant a night of pure violence and sin!?" He proclaimed putting his hand against his brow in mock disbelief. "no...-" I muttered obviously lying. But he chuckled dropping the act and as he put his hand on his waist he gave me an actual answer to my earlier question.

"Protection, my brothers love to bother me unannounced." And now I was more confused. He had brothers-? And apparently it was totally okay for him to be shooting at them?! -Hell brandishing a gun near them at all?! "You make it impossible to believe you're real..." I muttered out confused with the entire thing.

"Mhm. But I've already proved to you just how real I can be. So shall we say... tonight?" I looked up at him again meeting his gaze. "Tonight?" Wil nodded. "Alright, sure-..." He smiled again, a bit crazed. "OOoo! You will have the best night! I'll make sure of it deary! You won't regret it~..." He winked saying the last sentence very suggestively but in a fun way.

I laughed slightly as I started to feel the dream world slip away again. But before I woke up I could hear him sigh again. "Ah.. such short time we have here... don't worry you'll be mine soon." And thats all I heard before I woke up once again.

~Dream End~

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31 ⏰

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